CNN Claims Spike In Gun Sales Due To ‘Capitol Insurrection’

With Trump gone, CNN has absolutely no idea how to proceed as the country’s leader in bullish*t but least they’re still trying. The fake news network is making the fact-free claim that the spike in gun sales, which began last year, is because of the Capitol protests/riots/insurrection on January 6. Their evidence? Well, because they said so, that’s why. What part of “fake news” don’t you understand?

Here’s a real headline from CNN this week:

Gun sales in January set a new record after Capitol Hill insurrection

The opening paragraph is a little better, but not by much:

The Capitol Hill insurrection and the inauguration of a Democratic president who campaigned on strengthening gun control measures helped the firearms industry set a January gun sales record last month, according to data released Monday.

Oooh, they are so close on this one. Yes, an anti-gun democrat taking office has something to do with increased guns sales, but a couple hundred mostly-leftists knuckleheads storming the Capitol last month and doing next to nothing played no part in more people buying firearms.

CNN clearly had an narrative to sell so they doubled down on this false claim:

Stocks in gun manufacturers surged on January 6 when Trump supporters raided the US Capitol Building, leading to the deaths of five people, including an on-duty police officer.

CNN didn’t bother to wheel out one of their “experts” to back the claim up that the Capitol protests had anything to do with record gun sales in January. Everyone they quoted in this bullshit article said nothing remotely close to support that assertion.

What CNN is doing here is putting 2 things together that have nothing to do with each other in an attempt to make it seem like they are connected. Here’s how it works:

Baseball legend and racial trailblazer Hank Aaron died just days after Joe Biden, who opposed segregation, was inaugurated.

Obviously Joe Biden murdered Hank Aaron because he is a white supremacist.

Or how about:

Dustin Diamond, who played “Screech” on Saved By The Bell died soon after Kamala Harris, who opposes reopening schools like the one depicted on the show, became the first woman vice president of the United States.

That bitch f*cking killed Screech!

Democrats and the liberal media are trying to make the Capitol protests seem like the worse thing that every happened for a variety of reasons. They used it as an excuse to impeach President Trump for a second time and to launch their purge of conservatives. CNN pushing this garbage line that the Capitol “insurrection,” which was a nothing burger, propelled gun sales is their contribution to the purge.

If people believe that what happened at the Capitol on January 6 was an assassination attempt on our democracy and that it also helped armed the right-wing extremists who perpetrated it, then selling the public on unconstitutional gun control becomes a little easier for the democrats. It also aids in purging society of these gun-loving “seditionists” and “insurrectionists.”

Here’s something that happened in January that actually is connected to it:

CNN ratings plummet 44% in first week since Trump left office

CNN has some work to do to fill the void Trump has left. Blaming the Capitol protests for record gun sales is a good start, but they’re going to need a lot more fake news to reclaim their spot atop the bullshit heap.