Those of us keeping at least one eye on the ongoing impeachment clown show in Washington DC are able to see the blatant hypocrisy of the Democrat party. I believe this article is all encompassing and told best by leaving it in the words of Bryan Dean Wright, a former CIA ops officer, as told on Daily Caller.
Wright is fully open about being a former Democrat and he stated he had finally seen enough violence and harm being brought upon America to be forced to leave the party. “The populist GOP is my new political home,” he said. “It’s time to leave the hateful, violent, and un-American Democrat Party.” Below is Wright’s article in brief. Please go to the original article to read the full story. For additional background information, links are provided throughout.
Following is a list of observations Wright shares about the Democrat party and Leftism in general:
The Left is overwhelmingly responsible for the political violence and destruction that is hammering our great nation.
Democrat political leaders and activists – from Speaker Nancy Pelosi to media outlets like MSNBC – have used an endless stream of hateful, violent, and ultimately un-American rhetoric that has resulted in billions of dollars in economic damage and given birth to a violent national movement.
Some of the earliest hatred coming from the party was out of the mouth of “Squad” member Rep. Ilhan Omar in 2019. Not once but twice did she use anti-Semitic smears that for generations have been used to marginalize Jewish people.
Rather than condemn her vitriol and strip her of her committee assignments, Democrats in the House – from Speaker Pelosi on down – chose a toothless resolution that broadly condemned hatred and avoided any mention of Omar herself.
Omar is not alone in her bigotry. Sadly, there are other examples of it flowing throughout the base of the Democrat Party, suggesting that the bigotry is systemic.
When Kamala Harris was asked why Democrat primary voters failed to support her presidential bid, she stated an uncomfortable truth:
“The elephant in the room about my campaign,” she explained, was that her party was not ready “for a woman and a woman of color to be president of the United States.”
Vice President Harris was right, of course. Democrat primary voters were too bigoted and hateful to support a woman of color for president, just as they were too bigoted and hateful to support another minority: Pete Buttigieg.
Democrats may blast others for bigotry but, unquestionably, it is they who peddle deeply and strategically in the stuff.
An internal memo from the Buttigieg campaign confirmed that many black Democrats in the Palmetto State simply would not support a gay candidate.
In the summer of 2020, Leftist race riots cost upwards of $2 billion in damages. As the fires raged, property vandalized, and lives destroyed, Speaker Pelosi responded to her party’s violent mobs not with condemnation but not-so-subtle encouragement.
Meanwhile, the aforementioned Rep. Omar, freed from any consequence for her own bigotry, switched from attacking Jewish people to targeting police officers.
In all, over 700 federal, state, and local law enforcement officers sustained injuries in violence perpetrated by Leftist rioters. That includes retired St. Louis police Captain David Dorn, who died defending the city he loved from those encouraged by the Democrat Party’s incitement.
A woman in New York City threw a Molotov cocktail at four police officers sitting in their vehicle during a riot. (They were unharmed only because the gas bomb failed to ignite.)
Next, a group of rioters in Seattle tried to seal up the doors of a police precinct and ignite the building on fire, burning cops alive.
In the past several months, Democrats have stepped up an already audacious smear campaign against the Republican Party in an effort to target conservatives.
“There are legitimate white supremacist sympathizers that sit at the heart and at the core of the Republican Caucus in the House of Representatives,” claimed Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez recently, and without evidence.
She was proceeded in her rhetoric by Rep. Maxine Waters, who infamously demanded of her supporters, “You get out and you create a crowd! You push back on them!” “God,” she added, “is on our side.”
Democrat Senate leader Sen. Chuck Schumer had previously warned conservative Supreme Court Justices and, by extension, conservative voters, “You have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you.”
Four years of Democrat party leadership have resulted in a party that is “unapologetically committed to bigotry and violence.” And a “vicious assertion by Democrat leadership that America is an awful, irredeemable country,” wrote Wright.
“We’re not going to make America great again,” New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said back in 2018. “It was never that great.”
News anchors like CNN’s Chris Cuomo have told viewers, “Show me where it says protesters are supposed to be polite and peaceful.” And so, they weren’t.
Wright wrote that he sincerely believes “the Democrat Party has become irredeemable.”
For Democrats like me, we have no choice: we have to leave. But where do we go, politically, now that our party can no longer be salvaged? The answer is to be found in the exit data from the 2020 election:
We’re already leaving, it turns out, and joining the new, populist Republican Party.
Is this anything but good news for the Republican party? They have problems too. Don’t they?
Despite the Leftist narrative accusing the GOP of being racist, misogynistic, or homophobic, the Republican Party attracted the most diverse coalition of voters since 1960.
Diving into the numbers, Trump added more Black, Latino, Asian, and gay voters to the conservative populist movement than any other president
or nominee in the party’s recent history.
You may not think of President Trump as the best choice to be a godfather to one of your children, for example, or as an ideal neighbor, but his message and the populism for which he advocated resonates with voters.
It was and remains America First, anti-war and pro-worker, focused on merit-based opportunity, judicial reform, strong borders, and an unwavering commitment to law and order.
If this country is again capable of conducting honest elections, this platform–the platform of President Donald J. Trump–will win hands-down for decades to come.