A New Hope? Tim Scott Hailed As The ‘Future’ Of The Republican Party

This is one mass suicide ritual that is going to be ugly as hell to watch…

The ongoing efforts by the corrupt GOP establishment to reassert itself by ridding the party of former President Donald J. Trump and whipping his supporters back into line intensified this week with a major push to establish Senator Tim Scott as the savior.

Looking to rebrand in order to appease corporate donors by prominently featuring non-white, non-male bit players thrust into starring roles, the black lawmaker from South Carolina is being touted as the chosen one who will lead the discredited GOP out of the political wilderness as the same old shit gets a shiny new diverse package in time for a 2024 beatdown.

Scott was chosen to deliver the rebuttal to Joe Biden’s scaled-down State Of The Union address to a largely empty chamber of Congress in which the rapidly fading factotum of the globalist criminal cartel that is occupying Washington D.C. declared war on those who are unwilling to accept his illegitimate rule with no conditions.

None other than Mitch McConnell, the architect of the disastrous 2020 elections and the loss of control of the Senate made it clear that Scott and not Trump is the future of the Republican party as far as he is concerned.

According to McConnell; “We’re looking to the future, not the past, and if you want to see the future of the Republican party, watch Tim Scott’s response to President Biden last night,” he said, “He’s the future. That’s where we’re headed. We’re not preoccupied with the past but looking forward.”

His remarks came after Trump once again questioned McConnell’s leadership while appearing with Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo; “We need good leadership,” Trump said, “Mitch McConnell has not done a great job, I think they should change Mitch McConnell.”

Scott’s rebuttal to Biden’s declaration of war on half of America earned raves from the establishment GOP but the way that he was mercilessly brutalized by the Twitter mob despite his being a person of color is an indication that while he may be a nice guy who may appeal to “woke” corporate donors, he would be mauled if he ended up as the 2024 nominee.

McConnell added; “Look, he’s very popular, not only within our party but among Senate Democrats as well,” showing his fealty to the opposition; “he’s brave, courageous, and tells the truth. He’s the most inspirational leader that we have in our party looking forward.”

One idea seems to be that the GOP (which is still being advised by grifter Frank Luntz) believes that it can portray Democrats as racist for criticism of Scott, this is going to blow up right in their faces like one of Slick Willie’s trick cigars.

Scott continues to show why he is a beloved water carrier for the rotten-to-the-core uniparty with his BLM-lite police “reforms” and his acknowledgment that Biden is indeed the legitimately elected POTUS.

McConnell did hedge his bets on the great “inspirational leader” by saying that he expects that “three or four” Republican senators will also be vying for the party’s nomination in 2024.

He said; “I do predict, however, there’s going to be a robust competition for the nomination. I’ve got three or four members of the Senate who are going to be running for president in 2024, once that all sorts itself out, as the Republican leader of the Senate, obviously, I’ll be supporting the Republican nominee for president in 2024.”

In addition to Scott that could mean Never Trumper Ben Sasse of Nebraska and the ambitious Marco Rubio of Florida who was rejected in 2016, all who are viewed favorably by the corporate establishment.

None of them will be able to appeal to the broad-based coalition of Americans who supported Trump and McConnell’s comments ignore the fact that over 74 million Americans voted for him only six short months ago and only he has the ability to energize Republicans in sufficient numbers to defeat the radical agenda of Biden and the Democrats.