Sean Penn Demands Pope Impeach Evangelical Trump Supporters Who Followed ‘Satin Through The Bowels Of Hell’

If that headline doesn’t make a lot of sense, it’s because Sean Penn knows as much about religion as he does politics. The liberal actor is demanding that the Pope impeach all evangelical Christians who supported President Trump. He further explains that the reason for this is that they followed “Satin through the bowels of Hell.”

You would have thought that Joe Biden stealing the White House would have cured the Hollywood Resistance of their Trump Derangement Syndrome, but apparently not. This is Penn’s response to Nikki Haley saying Republicans should not have followed Donald Trump:

Hail Satin! Bow before the smooth silky sheen of the Anti-Lace.

I guess Penn would have preferred if evangelical Christians had followed a more practical fabric like flannel.

Penn, like all liberals, has impeachment on the brain, but that’s not the word he’s looking for here. The term for kicking someone out of the church is “excommunication,” which is an official exclusion of someone from participating in the sacraments and services of the church.

This is extra dumb because impeachment is removing an elected official from office. Regular parishioners aren’t elected officials. You wouldn’t impeach a husband for abusing his wife, like Penn did, that process is called “divorce.” Not everything is an impeachment, in fact most things aren’t.

Also, the Pope is the head of the Catholic Church, while evangelical Christians are Protestants. Back in the 16th century, Martin Luther split with the Roman Catholic Church for errors, abuses, and the selling of indulgences. From that Reformation came Protestantism, Lutheranism, Pentecostalism, and Babtists, which are the religious sects one would find an evangelical in. The Pope has no authority over Protestants and couldn’t impeach them if he wanted to.

The Pope won’t excommunicate Joe Biden for supporting the anti-Church baby-killing practice of abortion, so chances are he’s not kicking out a bunch of people who supported a President who adhered to the Church’s teachings. Especially since he can’t.

Finally, Penn demanded that the Vatican impeach non-Catholics for following “Satin” but lamented that they are too busy with orgies to get it done. Didn’t his mother ever teach him how to ask for something nicely? He’s asking for a personal favor at the same time he’s calling the Pope a sexual deviant. That ain’t how you do it.

Speaking of which…

Hey look, it’s Sean Penn with Harvey Weinstein. I wonder if there’s any shots of him and Jeffrey Epstein.

This tweet, that I can’t believe hasn’t been deleted, demonstrates perfectly the sense of entitlement that Hollywood liberals have. It also shows what a TDS-afflicted, emotionally-broken, moron that Sean Penn is.