Liberal Media Fawns Over Biden Playing Mario Karts

If Donald Trump were still in office, the headlines would read: “President Trump Plays Video Games While Thousands Die From The COIVID-19 Pandemic.” Because Joe Biden has successfully stolen the White House and that he’s a democrat, instead the liberal media can’t stop swooning that Crazy Joe played a game of Mario Karts with his granddaughter. One of the ones he acknowledges, not that love child Hunter had with a stripper.

Joe Biden hasn’t even been in office for a month but he already needed a vacation so he and the gang headed up to Camp David for some much needed R and R. Check out the breathless coverage the liberal media gave to this:

The Hill: Biden plays Mario Kart with granddaughter at Camp David

Newsweek: Joe Biden, Playing as Luigi, Wins in Mario Kart Race Against Granddaughter at Camp David

People: Joe Biden Plays Mario Kart with Granddaughter Naomi at Camp David: ‘Little Rusty but He Still Won’

ABC News: Biden plays video games with family, shows off presidential ‘swag’ at Camp David

There wasn’t this much news coverage of the historic peace agreements brokered by President Trump or his record fast development of the COVID-19 vaccine.

All of this fawning comes from a Snapchat video his granddaughter Naomi posted:

Naomi captioned the video: “Secret service made an exception and let him drive himself!!!!” A little rusty but he still won (barely).”

We know it’s a lie that Biden won because he’s a 78-year-old coot with dementia. There’s got to be a pretty good reason why the video clip is only 1 second long. That was the only usable footage that wasn’t massively embarrassing to show.

If Naomi actually lost to her pop-pop she should get checked out by a doctor because obviously she has some kind of debilitating brain disorder.

Besides, Biden is a life-long loser. In order for him to win anything he needs liberal operatives from key states to steal it for him and the gushing news reports made no mention of their presence at Camp david.

Naomi further embarrassed her grandpa by bragging about getting him this hat for Valentine’s Day:

She misspelled “illegitimate” as “literally” which is another indicator that she has a serious brain condition.

Something needs to get to his head because that coconut is empty. Naomi should have gotten him something that would allow blood to flow to his head instead of an ugly hat that cuts off the circulation.

Fake news isn’t just reporting false stories, it’s also suppressing true stories like was done during Trump’s tenure. With Biden in office, the liberal media has invented a third kind of fake news, which is pushing inane bullshit like it’s an important story.

The fact that there’s no way in hell Biden won a game of Mario Karts against anyone with a pulse makes it doubly fake news.