The Democrats’ Plan for a Permanent Majority

The 2020 election steal has been committed. And now the Democrats are pursuing a multi-prong strategy to cement a permanent majority, as reported by William Levin on American Thinker.

To accomplish this goal requires them to upend America’s constitutional design. And until the scope of their efforts are seen in their entirety, Democrats will proceed in the shadows, unobstructed.

The democrat plan has six astonishing elements:

  1. Enable Congress to determine who can run for President,

  2. Eliminate the Electoral College without amending the Constitution,

  3. Override the states’ constitutionally mandated authority to determine presidential election rules,

  4. Grant statehood to the District of Columbia by statute,

  5. Rewrite the First Amendment to limit political speech, and

  6. Enable open border immigration through executive agreement instead of Congressional action.

So, this is the Democrat plan in plain sight, at least as estimated by one political thinker. It is an astonishing challenge to America’s future, to the constitutional protections at the core of our American experiment in self government.

Taken in total, the plan represents a comprehensive challenge to representative democracy.  It deserves to be understood and debated front and center, but, no doubt, the Democrats will not bring any of this up for debate. Each constitutional violation listed above will be accomplished clandestinely with little or no mention of any of it by the main street media.

Conservative patriot deplorables, if ever we needed President Trump, now perhaps more than ever is the time. For conservatism, not only to survive but to thrive, a number of issues must be addressed. And President Trump has been addressing these issues. Most pressing of conservative attention are:

  • Complete and publish ongoing investigations into alleged Democrat impropriety,
  • Address the broken election procedures,
  • Regain control of the U.S. House and the Senate,
  • Whether it be Trump, run a viable Republican candidate for president in 2024,
  • Continue work on draining the swamp–vanquish the Deep State–to include addressing the biased media, and
  • Bolster the Republican party by radically reducing the number of RINOs,

What say you Def-Con News readers? Don’t be mislead, deceived into a state of complacency by talk of the Democrat party being in disarray. The Democrat party has lost their second Impeachment Clown Show, but guaranteed they have already begun action on their next initiative. They may appear in disarray, Nancy appears drunken and disheveled, but the Democrat party is on a mission. And that mission includes defying all elements of conservatism.