AMAZING! President Trump is Now More Popular than President Ronald Reagan Among Republicans

In the latest Economist/YouGov survey, as reported by Jim Hoft on Gateway Pundit, 36% of Republicans called President Trump the best.

President Reagan received 18%, followed by 13% for President Abraham Lincoln, and 11% for President George Washington.

In 2018, Republicans chose Reagan over Trump 36% to 10%.

The poll was conducted during President Trump’s second Senate impeachment show trial, during which seven RINOs voted to convict him. And afterward Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, who did not vote to impeach, blamed President Trump for the Capitol disturbances.

What say you Def-Con readers? Is this further evidence that President Trump remains the leader of the Republican Party in the eyes of nation-wide Republicans? An additional survey this week found that 75% of participants want President Trump to have a “prominent role” in the GOP.

Do you believe President Trump should continue working to drain the swamp? Do you agree with President Trump’s proposed actions when he says he will continue to speak out on GOP politics and will play a role in the 2022 elections?

Are there any Def-Con News readers out there who hold the belief that President Trump’s re-election will be properly recognized? Anyone believe Biden et al will be removed and President Trump will resume his rightful place?