Loser Fakes Hate Crime To Cover Up Sexual Assault

People generally fake hate crimes for the attention and to “prove” how racist America is. Here’s a guy that that tried to pull off a hate crime hoax to cover up the fact that he sexually assaulted a woman. The irony here is that if hadn’t faked the hate crime, he would have never been busted for the sexual assault. Some people just specialize in being losers.

The Sacramento Bee reports that on January 9, Romey Kang called 911 to claim he was the victim of a racially motivated attack and robbery. He told police that he was drinking with friends in Folsom, California when he decided to go for a walk alone. Then he said that, “a white man with black hair and light-colored clothing assaulted him and [stole] a credit card from his wallet.”

Kang suffered severe facial injuries in the attack, including a broken jaw. He started a GoFundMe page to raise money for his hospital bills and as of a couple week ago, got more than $20,000.

Interestingly enough, on that GoFundMe page, he gave a description of the assault that was radically different than what he told police.

On his GoFundMe page, Kang wrote in a post that he was attacked by two or three white men wearing white shirts who “didn’t even take my wallet, any credit cards, phone, or car. Just me.” He also wrote that the suspects “left me for dead and someone found me a few hours later on a sidewalk in downtown Folsom. I’m 99% sure it was a hate attack in these dark times.”

The fact that it went from 1 attacker to 2 or 3 and the robbery became not a robbery should have tipped cops off that he was lying, but they investigated anyway. Detectives scoured the area for security video from businesses and eventually found Kang being “assaulted.”

Over the following weeks, detectives continued working on the investigation to try to track down security camera video and witnesses. Police officials said the detectives did find video with help from local businesses and community members.

“Surveillance footage was reviewed, and it was determined the man sustained his injuries from a fall,” police said in a statement.

So he ate shit and f*cked up his face and then tried to blame it racist white guys. This is already bad, but it gets worse because police found something else interesting while searching security video in the area.

The Sacramento Bee also reports they found video of Kang sexually assaulting an unconscious woman on the patio of an establishment a few hours before he faked the hate crime. The police were able to track down witnesses and the victim, who filed a complaint.

While Kang seems like a two or three-time loser here, he actually kind of wins. There is no mention that he was charged for making a false police report or that he had to give the GoFundMe money back. Plus there is this:

On Wednesday, detectives met with Romey Kang of Lincoln and cited him on suspicion of committing sexual battery, the Folsom Police Department announced in a news release. Police officials said the detectives issued a citation, because Kang’s injuries did not make suitable to be booked at the Sacramento County Jail.

Because he broke his jaw in a hate crime hoax, police wrote him a ticket for raping an unconscious woman instead of arresting him? That is a Charlie Sheen-level of winning.