STUNNING! Never-Trumper Adam Kinzinger Lashes Out at His Own Voters After He Is Censured by Will County Republicans

This is a story of one young man who was elected to represent his constituents in the U.S. House of Representatives. Like too many who aspire for elected office, at this point in his job as a representative of the people who voted him into office, he either forget what he was hired to do or he simply identified his mission of activism as being more important.

It is truly a beautiful thing when the American people come together en masse to inform their elected representative they’re displeased with the job being performed. In this instance the people informed Representative Adam Kinzinger they are not pleased with at least one aspect of his work. And it is this same coming together of the American people which is occurring across our nation.

Never-Trumper Adam Kinzinger was censured on Saturday by the Will County Republican Party in an overwhelming vote, as reported by Jim Hoft on Gateway Pundit.

Will County’s GOP announced: “Representative Kinzinger’s feelings about former President Donald J. Trump are well known. We witnessed the support and then subsequent bashing of President Trump, after he refused to appoint Kinzinger as the Secretary of the Air Force,”


“The last straw was Kinzinger’s unconstitutional impeachment support against Donald Trump that quickly escalated to attacks on other duly elected Republicans in the Senate and Trump supporters. The Congressman’s launching of a Political Action Committee (PAC) to go after conservative, patriot Republicans demonstrates he no longer represents the 9,000 plus voters in the Will County portion of the district that supported President Trump. He disregarded other elected Republican voters’ wishes across the United States in furtherance.”

Sadly, this is not the end of the story. Soon after the censure, Kinzinger released a statement verbally attacking the group’s repeated losses to Democrats on the county board and in countrywide races. Apparent in his statement is the fact that he is a RINO and he has missed the Trump train. But Will County is just one of 14 counties Kinzinger represents in far northwest Illinois. Perhaps the remainder of Kinzinger’s constituents are largely anti-Trump. Seems the GOP from more than just one county will need to speak out to effect change in their representation in Congress.

Kinzinger’s attack in part was, “Maybe if the Will County GOP spent the same amount of time and energy helping local Republicans as they do with petty censure votes to go after those that vote their conscience, they might actually win a few races.”

Kinzinger was one of ten Republicans to join House Democrats in voting to impeach President Trump on the charge of inciting the January 6th incident at the U.S. Capitol.

What say you Def-Con News readers? Perhaps you also are thinking this firebrand has lost his direction. Voting his “conscience” is a less than tactful way to say he disregarded the will of the people he was elected to represent. First Kinzinger should be forced to undergo a psychiatric evaluation. His words and actions have been extreme, to say the least. If a conservative deplorable had acted in this manner, placement on the No-Fly list would occur at a minimum. Second, a recall initiative should seriously be considered by the voters of the 16th District of Illinois.