NBC Poll Shows Bad News for Dems, Good News for GOP and The Power of Trump

Results are in from a new NBC poll as reported on Red State and it’s not good for Democrats. The Poll confirms something that anecdotally has been observed over the past four years. A significant number of blue-collar workers no longer believe that the Democrat party is for them and they’re fleeing to the Republican party.

Said another way, the GOP is rapidly becoming the blue-collar party. And most of the GOP’s blue-collar growth took place during the presidency of Donald Trump.

According to the poll, the number of blue-collar workers who call themselves Republicans has gone up by 12 percent in the last decade.

Meanwhile blue collar workers who identify as Democrats has dropped by eight points.

The number of black and Hispanic blue-collar workers who identify as Republican has also gone up, with Hispanics 13 percent and with black blue-collar workers 7 percent over that same period of time.

Meanwhile the white collar worker numbers have stayed about the same, with the GOP losing just one percent and Democrats picking that up.

President Donald Trump was the driving force for much of the growth and change. Americans came to the party because they saw the positives and the changes that were occurring. Changes which were seen as helpful for American workers. Throughout these same years workers in larger numbers began to see a Democrat party that doesn’t seem to care about their interests and pushes policies that hurt them.

Like bringing in a ton of additional workers through their immigration policies and killing energy jobs and related jobs with their climate change agenda.

Noteworthy is these new voters came into the GOP as a result of the policies of President Trump. They aren’t looking for the policies of the stalled Democrat party or even Republican leaders other than Donald Trump.

Almost half of Republicans would jump to another party if Trump created it. Just 27 percent said they would stay republicans and the remainder were undecided. They saw under President Trump how the economy could really work for them, and they want it. They saw how that supercharged the energy industry and businesses, and they want it. They saw he was hearing their concerns, and they want that in their government.

In other words, President Trump created this increase in voters, this successful expansion of the base of the party. Now establishment must take note or suffer the consequences.

If you’re moving away from Trump, you’re shooting yourself in the foot and failing to understand what voters are about and what they want.

Voters don’t care about the tweets, they care about the policy results.

If you go back to being the uni-party that agrees with Democrats and changes nothing, then they will flee you as quickly as they came.

Whatever the Republican lawmakers like Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY) think, Trump is still very much in charge and holding sway over the party.

What say you Def-Con News readers? A very positive-thinking report, yes? Perhaps now, if election honesty has not been lost throughout America, the Republican party may win another national election in our life time.