MSNBC Compares Pro-Gun Republicans To Osama Bin Laden

Last week Republican Congresswoman Lauren Boebert appeared in a Zoom committee meeting with several guns on a bookshelf behind her. This caused democrats to clutch their pearls and fall onto their fainting couches. Because the liberal media is the official propaganda arm of the democratic party, MSNBC has tried to legitimize this delicate fake outrage by comparing pro-gun Republicans to Islamic terrrorist Osama bin Laden.

MSNBC’s Chris Hayes, who is in contention with Don Lemon for dumbest guy on TV, played a clip of Boebert sitting in front of her guns and made this comparison to her and all Republicans:

“The use of guns in that way as props and the implicit threat that comes with them has a, you know, long, not necessarily great history among various groups around the globe. Osama bin Laden, for one, liked to pose in front of a bookshelf with a gun prominently displayed,” said Hayes.

And check out the graphics that went with this unbelievable comparison:

That’s right. MSNBC says that Republican gun owners are not only the same as the worst terrorist in history but also “American extremists.”

In fact, this is how Hayes went on to characterize pro-gun Republicans:

“A movement or faction that puts images of guns, the celebration of guns, front and center in its political aesthetic is a movement that’s engaging in something other than what we might call the normal rhetoric of elected democratic politics,” said Hayes.


“It communicates that they’re committed to, at the very least, open to the possibility of violent overthrow of the government,” Hayes said.

They are the government, you nitwit.

There you have it: MSNBC says that Republicans exercising their Constitutional rights is the same thing as anti-American Islamic terrorism.

Making this comparison stick requires you to shut off your brain and ignore that the ideology of Islamic terrorism and the Republican Party are polar opposites. This is like saying Abraham Lincoln and Osama bin Laden are the same because they both had beards and wore funny hats.

This is clearly a bullshit analogy, but if Chris Hayes really wants to compare members of Congress to Osama bin Laden, he needs to look no further than the democratic party to find the perfect match:

Osama bin Laden hated America in the same way that democrats do.

Osama bin Laden vowed to destroy America the same way democrats have.

Osama bin Laden actually did damage to America but much less severely than democrats have.

Osama bin Laden financed his anti-American campaign with money from wealthy America-haters the same way democrats are doing now.

Osama bin Laden thought that anyone who disagreed with his ideology should die the same as democrats.

Plus, Osama bin Laden was a Muslim extremist just like democrats Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib.

The similarities are eerie and, if you really think about it, the only real difference is that Osama bin Laden lived in a cave and democrats live in mansions.