The French philosopher Voltaire is credited with observing that the ability or inability to offer critiques of certain people demonstrates who really is in charge. A lot of commotion is currently being made about white privilege, white supremacy, and whiteness in general. At the same time, Black History Month contradictorily shares a narrative of both black power and black oppression. “Perhaps the idea of black power represents their wielding of control over a muzzled white population by pretending to be victimized,” as reported by Parker Beauregard on The Blue State Conservative.
What Voltaire specifically said was: “To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.”
Pop culture is a bastion of debauchery and shamelessness, but it also encapsulates everything wrong with the present-day notion of whites being in control of, well, anything.
Assuming white privilege and white supremacist institutions are the norm, we might expect whites to say whatever they wanted and do whatever they wanted, free from punishment.
Following Voltaire’s premise, critique of past monarchs resulted in beheadings; and drawing even a smiley face of Allah portends imminent death by assassination. The question to ask with a tell-all answer is, Does the black community fear speaking out against whites, or is it in fact just the opposite?
White people are now demanded to speak only in certain terms and regarding certain matters. Asking if defunding the police represents sound policy is rebuked by some nonsensical argument about not knowing what it’s like to have the police patrolling black neighborhoods.
At the height of both the riots last summer and human
stupidity, Minneapolis City Council chair Lisa Bender declared on national television that her right to basic safety and security from immoral, ruthless, and dangerous thugs was white privilege manifesting itself.
No one seems to care that this same city, led by this same loser and the incompetent boy mayor, just asked for and received almost $6.5 million to shore up much-needed police needs. If this hypocrisy didn’t produce such tragedies, then this entire charade would be a comedy.
Last summer, The New York Times fired editor Bari Weiss for publishing an op-ed penned by a sitting U.S. Senator who suggested that in the wake of destructive, deadly, and endless riots that martial law be invoked.
For pointing out an obvious and effective solution,
she was met with false outrage and libelous charges of white supremacy, and she was shown the door.
Just half a year later, Washington, D.C. has found itself mired in a military lockdown for fear of, not actual violence and mayhem, but the supposed threat of violence and mayhem. This seems to be approved by everyone (media, Democrats, etc.) who so vociferously named racism as the reason for seeking support from the National Guard last year. Of course, the hypocrisy is not surprising.
In the case of the New York Times, firing its white editor for printing what Democrats did at Biden’s inauguration while allowing the despicable ingrate Nikole Hannah-Jones of 1619 ill-repute to cash a paycheck is the height of double standards.
To borrow a phrase from Dennis Miller, this “waste of an apostrophe” has freely declared that property destruction is collateral damage in the
search for her form of justice and who regularly maligns the country which has granted not only her, but every single citizen the greatest standard of living and freedom in the history of the world.
Ingratitude doesn’t begin to cover her, and double standards don’t begin to cover the Times. In any event, we can only imagine how Hannah-Jones would feel if her own house were burned down. It’s still just replaceable property, right? Heck, Nancy Pelosi could assuage her anger by chiming in about the insurance policy that will take care of it.
White people are clearly on the defensive. White opinions matter only if they are parroting approved, and ever-changing, talking points.
This leads to the counterargument that, while white privilege is quite false, black privilege is quite real.
It has been repeatedly and consistently demonstrated that white people no longer have free speech when it pertains to matters of cultural or political value. Either cozy up or shut up.
In the case of (leftist) black voices, however, there is no such commensurate systemic expectation.
Three examples illustrate this point.
First, there is the exposed Disney fraud. Not only did Disney not mind Holocaust references when its star Pedro Pascal was tweeting about the Trump presidency, it actually came out in public support of one of its black hires after it became public knowledge that she enjoyed spewing ostensibly hateful and racist language.
Krystina Arielle has a Twitter feed replete with
derogatory statements about white men, white women, and white people in general. Like the tweet that took Maxine Waters’ insightful language toward Trump and replaced him with the word “Cuomo,” one can only imagine the backlash if someone replaced the word “white” with any other racial or cultural background.
Gina Carano was fired for making a historically accurate comment. Krystina Ariel had the $4 billion Disney experiment send a tweet from its official account stating that “Our Star Wars community is one of hope and inclusivity. We do not stand for bullying and racism. We support Krystina Arielle.” Ironically, it stood for bullying and racism when it defended her.
Second, there is the absolutely disgusting and immoral belief system Mariah Carey’s former husband, Nick Cannon, revealed last summer. His entire quote is worth printing.
“The people that don’t have (melanin) are – and I’m going to say this carefully – a little less. When they didn’t have the power of the sun, it started to deteriorate them so then, they’re acting out of fear, they’re acting out of low self-esteem, they’re acting out of a deficiency. So, therefore, the only way that they can act is evil. They have to rob, steal, rape, kill in order to survive. So then, these people that didn’t have what we have – and when I say “we,” I speak of the melanated people – they had to be savages. … They’re acting as animals so they’re the ones that are actually closer to animals. They’re the ones that are actually the true savages.”
The fact that anyone can utter complete filth, replete with disdain and evil, and not only retain each of his high-paying jobs with nary even an apology, speaks to the power of black privilege. Interestingly, while white racists and white supremacists do exist – they always have and always will – they are in the extreme minority. Most white people do not care about race, and would never even entertain such a reprehensible point of view towards others. However, that hasn’t stopped Critical Race Theory from proclaiming the opposite. Black privilege means being able to think and say horrible things without any consequence or reprisal.
Third, there is the frightening rise of Kristen Clark to the top of Joe Biden’s Department of Justice. Only in a world of black privilege can degenerating comments go not only unpunished, but rewarded.
Clark’s history of open bigotry is long, but one
remark from her days leading black students at Harvard in the early 1990s stands out. She said that: “Melanin endows blacks with greater physical, mental, and spiritual abilities.” It is starkly reminiscent of the brain disorder put on display by Nick Cannon.
Who could really believe she doesn’t think that way? Hateful ideology derived from Critical Race Theory only strengthens over time. These dangerous fools marinate in echo chambers of their own device.
Finally, for anyone daring to suggest that these comments don’t reflect who Kristen Clark is today, Justice Brett Kavanaugh endured weeks of embarrassment, harassment, scorn, shame, and derision as the result of false allegations that were pretended to have occurred while he was in college as well.
What say you Def-Con News readers? Americans of all colors, but predominately whites and blacks, must learn to get along. Or one of the two races will be physically forced to get along. As in gone. The country is being pulled apart. A race war is more imminent now than ever. However, the country needs not reach this extreme. If only an end could be brought to the race hustling and bifurcation-ist efforts, America may begin to heal. And become one nation.