Curiously, Fauci recommended to Biden waiting
until April before setting the plan in motion, the source said.
“When Gov. DeSantis heard this, his head spun, and he said there was no scientific grounding for such action. Even if there were, why wait until April? It made no sense. He called Biden an idiot, compared him to Hitler. Gov. DeSantis predicts the US will be unrecognizable in a few years, that it’ll turn into another Venezuela. He literally had AG Moody investigate the ramifications of secession,” the source said.
Although secession is not explicitly mentioned in the
Constitution, the Supreme Court ruled in 1869 unilateral secession unconstitutional (Texas v. White, 1869.)
Nonetheless, AG Moody told DeSantis that Floridians have a natural right which cannot be given to any government, and no government can take it away—the natural right of people to form a government for mutual protection, happiness, and prosperity.
“If the rights of the people of Florida as recognized by the Constitution are not protected by the federal government, then they have the right to separate themselves from their oppressors—in this case Joseph Biden and his administration,” AG Moody reportedly said.
“Gov. DeSantis doesn’t often lose his cool, but he is raving mad at Biden and Fauci. He knows they got an agenda, and it’s about control, not a virus,” the source said.
AG Moody told DeSantis she would investigate all options, but she was adamant that secession be the court of last resort, our source added.
RRN contacted Charles Abernathy, a constitutional authority and professor of law at Georgetown University, for clarification on a state’s ability to succeed from the union.
Constitutional illegalities aside, he addressed several pitfalls that would befall a state that severed ties to D.C.
“The problems are incalculable. What if, for example, the feds restricted trade to and from Florida. How would it survive? It lacks natural resources for self-sufficiency. Unless they eat only oranges, the people of Florida would slowly starve. And what if, and this is really a what if, a foreign nation invaded Florida? Sure, they’d have their national guard, but what good is a national guard against an invading army. There are simply too many examples to cite. If other states came to Florida’s rescue, they too would have to secede. This would inevitably lead to a second civil war,” Professor Abernathy said.
In closing, the source said he believes that DeSantis
is seriously weighing the merits of secession and that DeSantis plans to pitch the idea to Florida’s legislative bodies in the coming weeks.
“DeSantis isn’t the type of governor who’s going to take this laying down. He isn’t Biden’s bitch,” he said.
What say you Def-Con News Readers? Despite what DeSantis may want to do, it seems Florida can’t go it alone. But will other states join the secession initiative? If so, it seems likely more than one break-away republic will come about simultaneously. If so, the Biden regime would not easily be able to reign in the alleged transgressors. Times are becoming “curiouser and curiouser.”