The Communist Takeover of the United States?

Many of you already know this, but are you also aware of the possibly devastating challenge America is facing right now? The real stolen-election executive is Barack Obama, as reported by Wayne Allyn Root on, in a three part series. The material here comes from the second part; the third part next week will identify every detail of Obama’s plan. Root writes that he believes the new executive is, in fact, the old president, “and this is the third term of Obama.”

His first go at it, Obama tried to destroy America, American exceptionalism, our Judeo-Christian values, our capitalist economic system, our health care system (17.7% of the U.S. economy in 2019) and the great American middle class.

Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven–

husband-wife team of Columbia University professors–avowed Marxists.

Obama gave it his best shot. He crippled America, but he couldn’t quite finish the job. He needed Hillary Clinton to be elected to do that, but we all know how that turned out. President Trump managed to bring out the biggest turnout of white middle-class voters in history for the 2016 election. Obama vowed never to let that happen again.

Hence the stealection of the old, weak, feeble, brain-dead Basement Biden, who’s clearly hopelessly lost and confused with dementia. He’s fallen, and he can’t get up. Obama likes it that way. Joe Biden is Obama’s puppet and front guy. Obama can now finish the job and do it under the cover of darkness. He can carry out his plan more ruthlessly than he ever could when he was the first black president and wanted to convince American voters he wasn’t “radical” or “extreme.” Back then, Obama had to move with caution; he had to boil the frog slowly, as I warned in my 2013 No. 1 national bestseller, “The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide.”

All that is water under the bridge. No more moving with caution. Note Biden’s record-setting executive orders–the quantity and the quality of them. They are as radical and Marxist as anything ever seen in America’s history.

Root explains Obama’s actual plan: “I learned it at Columbia University from 1979 to 1983. I was Obama’s classmate at the Ivy League college where Marxism and the destruction of America were taught in every classroom. The plan was called Cloward-Piven, named after a husband-wife team of Columbia professors.”

Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven created the “perfect” Marxist plan.

According to Root: Get every American possible on welfare and other government handout programs in order to overwhelm the system, bring the national debt to levels never imagined, bankrupt America, and bring business owners to their knees when the economy collapses. Then you’ve got a socialist country.

Root writes that he recognizes exactly what’s happening today in America with Biden as the PINO (president in name only). Obama is using a modified Cloward-Piven plan.

Democrats (aka socialists and Marxists) have tried to get everyone on welfare for the past 38 years, since Obama and I graduated from Columbia. They came close, but they could never quite overwhelm and collapse the system. The success of capitalism and former Presidents Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump got in the way.

But now Obama has modified the plan. He is going to use the next four years to open the borders and MAFA (Make America Foreign Again). If you can’t get every American on welfare, then change the composition of America.

Open the borders and recruit millions — eventually tens of millions — of foreigners who don’t speak English; who know nothing about American history or the U.S. Constitution; who have no education, talent or skills; who require cradle-to-grave welfare; who will vote Democratic forevermore in order to keep the welfare checks coming.

Before we can react to stop it, America will contain so many foreigners that our once-great nation will become foreign to us. And those foreigners will tip the scale and overwhelm the system with all their welfare, food stamps, free health care, free education, and a thousand other needs. America, as we know it, will have collapsed. The former leader of the free world will be a third-world nation. Or perhaps a cluster of smaller nations. Some better, some worse off than others. None as productive, as comfortable, or as safe as America once was.

Have you taken a look at Biden’s executive orders? Have you closely watched his first five weeks in office?

It’s all dedicated to open borders. It’s an obsession. It’s all about illegal aliens. It’s about giving them every form of welfare imaginable. It’s about giving them rights, privileges, and advantages American-born citizens don’t have.

This is the Cloward-Piven plan Obama and the author learned at Columbia, modified by Obama. He’s overwhelming the system and collapsing the U.S. economy by flooding our nation with illegal aliens. The floodgates are open. The disaster has begun.

Presently, nearly every system in America is compromised, to include each of the three branches of government, state and local law enforcement in many states, the FBI, the CIA, the DoJ, and at least some portion of the DoD. The remaining portion of the DoD that is still loyal to the constitution might be our last chance to save America from communism and Obama’s plan. I say Obama’s plan, but I believe he too is a puppet being manipulated by wealthy demonic entities.

As you read this article, you can be certain our senior military leaders are already aware of Obama’s plan. As the story goes, President Trump was selected by this group of military leaders to “save” America. He was backed by those military leaders loyal to the constitution and who saw this coming. Fortunately President Trump won in 2016 and again in 2020, but the second election was stolen. (Side note: I believe Obama and his ilk and the Democrat party machine may have stolen the 2008 election also, but they certainly stole the 2012 election.)

Now, take a deep breath. Settle your heart down a bit. Don’t panic. Or, please, stop laughing, as the case may be. I strongly believe some element of the military will soon act to reinstate President Trump and save our nation. Some element of the citizenry may also rise up to assist as needed. But this is not a call to arms. Stay home and protect your family and property.

Finally, what say you Def-Con News readers? Do you believe this article holds any validity? I, for one, hope Wayne Allyn Root is wrong. But if he isn’t, something must occur very quickly to reverse this stolen election, because our way of life has already begun to change for the worse.