CNN’s Chris ‘Fake News Fredo’ Cuomo Claims He’s ‘Black On The Inside’

CNN’s Chris Cuomo has spent considerable time trying to convince people he is black by claiming any criticism of him is akin to calling him the N-word. Due to his white exterior, that never stuck so now Fake News Fredo is straight up saying he is black on the inside. This is like blackface for his intestines, I guess.

Sorry, there is no context for this clip, but then again it doesn’t need it. Suffice it to say that CNN hosts Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo were not talking about the latter’s brother, NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo and his sexual harassment and nursing him deaths scandals:

For some reason, Cuomo was singing the theme song from black 70’s sitcom Good Times, when Lemon asked him how he knows the words.

“You know I’m black on the inside,” replied Cuomo.

Lemon, who is black on the outside, didn’t bat an eye at this stunning revelation and picked up singing the rest of the Good Times theme.

It would be seriously racist if Tucker Carlson said he was black on the inside, even in jest, but because Cuomo is a liberal douchebag who works for douchey liberal fake news CNN, he gets a free pass.

We should at least get a fact check on this one. Somebody should open him up and see what color he is on the inside.

On top of being racist, Cuomo’s claim is also absurd. He is the least black guy, inside or out, this side of Joe Biden. In fact, Cuomo is a perfect Italian American stereotype one would expect to find on Jersey Shore. Especially when he gets mad.

Speaking of which, remember when someone called him Fredo and he flipped out?

“No, punk-ass bitches from the right call me ‘Fredo.’ My name is Chris Cuomo. I’m an anchor on CNN. ‘Fredo’ was from ‘The Godfather.’ He was a weak brother and they use that as an Italian slur — are any of you Italian?… It’s a f*cking insult to your people. It’s an insult to your f*ckkin’ people. It’s like the N-word for us,” said Cuomo as he threatened to beat up some rando.

Or how about that time he took exception with President Trump calling him “fake news?”

“The only thing that’s bothersome about it, is that I see being called ‘fake news’ as the equivalent of the n-word for journalists, the equivalent of calling an Italian any of the ugly words that people have for that ethnicity.That’s what fake news is to a journalist.,” Cuomo said.

Clearly Cuomo is desperate for people to see him as black and really wants them to call him the N-word. Luckily he works for CNN, the worldwide leader in fake news, and can claim to be black on the inside without any scrutiny or outrage.

His brother, on the other hand, does have a decent claim to being black on the inside. The way that Andrew Cuomo killed old people in nursing homes and sexually harassed his staff and reporters shows that at least his heart is black.