The Cancel Culture Mob Comes For PePe Le Pew; Cartoon Skunk Accused Of Normalizing Rape Culture

Will this lunacy ever end?

Not satisfied with erasing the work of the beloved Dr. Seuss, the “woke” inquisition is expanding its target list to include cartoon characters that are incompatible with their war against the evil patriarchy.

Next up for elimination is PePe Le Pew, the animated French skunk from Warner Brother’s Loony Tunes cartoons who according to perpetually sour New York Times columnist Charles Blow has normalized rape culture.’

With what was once the nation’s premier newspaper having disintegrated into a vile forum for demonization and hatemongering that more closely resembles the infamous Nazi propagandist Julius Steicher’s Der Stürmer than the industry-leading American tribune that used to be, the Times and its cadre of social justice fanatics would be a parody if its message didn’t incite hate in such a divided time.

Blow, whose racist diatribes cracked open the door for the paper’s dishonest revisionist history opus the 1619 Project that rewrote the nation’s history so that it could push the Hitlerian lie that the United States was built on the institution of slavery, accused Monsieur LePew of being a rapist in another of his demented screeds, this one hailing the banning of the first six Dr. Seuss books that will be digitally erased on the internet and burned by the zealots who want to cleanse America of its whiteness.

According to Blow:

Some of the first cartoons I can remember included Pepé Le Pew, who normalized rape culture; Speedy Gonzales, whose friends helped popularize the corrosive stereotype of the drunk and lethargic Mexicans; and Mammy Two Shoes, a heavyset Black maid who spoke in a heavy accent.

Reruns were a fixture in the pre-cable days, so I watched children’s shows like Tarzan, about a half-naked white man in the middle of an African jungle who conquers and tames it and outwits the Black people there, who are all portrayed as primitive, if not savage. I watched the old “Our Gang” (“Little Rascals”) shorts in which the Buckwheat character summoned all the stereotypes of the pickaninny.

And of course, I watched westerns that regularly depicted Native Americans as aggressive, bloodthirsty savages against whom valiant white men were forced to fight.

Blow starts his column with the admission that: “As a child, I was led to believe that Blackness was inferior” as if that’s an excuse to encourage the totalitarian censorship that his employer has become the nation’s foremost advocate for.

The columnist was defensive over criticism over his efforts to have Le Pew canceled.

What’s next, canceling Marvin the Martian for wearing blackface?

You just knew that this wasn’t going to end after they took away Elmer Fudd’s gun.