WaPo Claims Comedians Have No Material To Parody Joe Biden With

If it wasn’t so terrifying that Joe Biden is sitting in the White House, he would be the most hilarious person on the planet. He sniffs little girls hair, can’t remember who he’s married to, and calls everyone a fat ugly lying dog-faced pony soldier chump. The Washington Post however claims that there is no material that comedians could use to parody the illegitimate president and person.

Here’s what the fake news was contracted to do to protect the braindead occupant of the White House:

Because the WaPo has a shitty business model, that article is behind a paywall but reading ins’t necessary. The promo tweet states that previous presidents, mostly Republicans, provided plenty of parody-worthy material for comedians but that Joe Biden isn’t giving them anything to work with. This may be the fakest piece of fake news ever written.

This WaPo article is trying the make the claim that Biden isn’t a human gaffe machine. That he he doesn’t have a history of lying, of plagiarism, of bullshitting. The he isn’t a super creepy guy that sniffs hair, lets kids rub his legs, sexually assaults his staff. Most of all, the WaPo is tying to claim that Biden is a lucid dignified man who is above parody.

I was going to say comedians aren’t trying very hard if they can’t find anything about Biden to make fun of of, but that’s not what’s going here. They ain’t allowed to parody Biden because he’s a democrat. Biden is completely protected by the media and any attempts to make fun of him or even point out his issues would result in a swift cancellation.

Here’s some proof of my theory: Biden nominated 2 female generals today and, as usual, flubbed it badly:

“I want to thank the sec, the former general, I keep calling him general, my uh, the guy who runs that outfit over there, I wanna make sure we thank the secretary for all he’s done to implement what we just talked about,” said Biden.

Joe Biden literally cannot remember the name of his Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin, or the department he heads. He even appears to forget about what he just talked about. Keep in mind that Biden is reading off of a teleprompter and he still can’t recall any of this information.

That’s a daily example of something comedians could parody, but they won’t. In reporting the events of today, not one single liberal media source mentioned that Biden had this colossal brain fart, because as I said, they are protecting him.

When Obama was president the liberal used the excuse of racism to avoid criticizing him and comedians did the same to resist parading him. What’s the excuse with Biden?

That’s an easy one: if comedians made fun of Biden or the liberal media called him out, it would be an admission that his mind is gone and that he’s unfit to run this country. They need him in office as a useful idiot so his puppet masters can ram through their anti-American agenda.