Communist Curmudgeon Bernie Sanders Tries To Save Gavin Newsom From Recall


California Governor Gavin Newsom may be in a dogfight for his political life thanks to his miserable “leadership” on the coronavirus response but the commies could be riding to his rescue.

With the recall petition against the San Francisco slickster nearing 2 million signatures and likely heading to the ballot box later this year, twice-failed Democrat presidential candidate Bernie Sanders is looking to rally his troops to pull Newsom’s chestnuts out of the fire.

Comrade Bernie conjured images of “Right-wing Republicans” undermining democracy while looking to mobilize what was once a formidable assembly of suckers avid supporters

Sanders also suggested that those phantom right-wingers were endangering the public by pushing back against Newsom’s mandate for facial burkas and decried them for not “listening to the scientists” despite the Democrat-approved “scientists” either all being beholden to government money or just plain full of shit like narcissistic doomsayer Dr. Anthony S. Fauci.

Democrats are counting on Bernie’s being able to put boots on the ground in the form of organizers and most certainly, ballot harvesters to thwart democracy by allowing citizens whose lives and businesses have been wrecked by Newsom’s dictatorial decrees.

According to Politico:

Sanders retains a large and loyal following in Democratic-controlled California. He bested President Joe Biden during last year’s Democratic primary, drawing more than two million votes.

With an effort to recall Newsom looking increasingly likely to qualify, Sanders’ input could galvanize liberal opposition and help unify the left — including sending a message to liberal Democrats who might consider jumping into the recall.

It remains to be seen whether there will be much enthusiasm from Bernie’s Bolsheviks who were once again fucked over after coughing up a vast war chest in small donations only to see Sanders meekly surrender after the DNC and Rep. James Clyburn rigged the primaries for the reanimated corpse of Joe Biden.

Bernie’s latest betrayal of his cultlike following may have ripped open the unhealed wound after he lined up and planted his pursed lips on Queen Hillary’s pasty white ass on stage at the Wells Fargo in Philadelphia back in 2016.

It wasn’t that long ago that the media was hailing Newsom as a great example of how to handle the virus, but his fortunes dramatically shifted after he was caught violating his own restrictions in indoor dining by partying at an expensive French restaurant without wearing a mask in November.

Now he’s facing a tsunami of discontent, can Bernie save him?