In Major Push For Mass Vaccinations, Biden Puts The Nation On A ‘War Footing’

His lips may be moving but it’s the junta doing the talking.

In his first major prime time address to the nation, Joe Biden announced that his regime was moving to a “war footing” with the objective to vaccinate the entire population in the coming months.

Lunchbucket Joe announced the plan which will involve an increased military effort in the vaccine distribution, a pivot towards totalitarianism that conservatives should be screaming bloody murder about instead of being useful idiots arguing that Biden is hogging credit on the vaccines from former President Donald J. Trump, a stunning example of how liberals aren’t the only ones who have lost their minds.

Biden’s “war footing” comes at a time when Washington D.C. is under military occupation like the capital in some third world dictatorial shithole, his “diverse” former Raytheon board member Defense Secretary is conducting a purge of those deemed disloyal from the ranks and the Pentagon is engaging in unprecedented attacks on Fox News’s Tucker Carlson who called them out over their prioritizing of being “woke” over the defense of America from foreign enemies.

And they called Trump a dictator.

According to Biden:

“My fellow Americans you are owed nothing less than the truth.”

“And for all of you asking when things will get back to normal, here is the truth,” he continued. “The only way to get our lives back, to get our economy back on track, is to beat the virus. You’ve been hearing me say that while I was running, and the last fifty days I’ve been president.”

“But this is one of the most complex operations we’ve ever undertaken as a nation, in a long time,”

“That’s why I am using every power have as President of the United States to put us on a war footing to get the job done.”

“Sounds like hyperbole, but I mean it, a war footing.”

The White House also released an official statement confirming that at least some of the military’s focus will be shifted from maternity flight suits and promoting transgenderism to put boots on the ground for the mass vaccination drive.

Today, President Biden will announce the deployment of more than 4,000 active duty troops to support vaccination efforts, bringing the total to over 6,000 in all.

Additionally, the regime is vastly expanding the list of those “qualified” to deliver the vaccines to such a degree, that it may only be a matter of time until fast-food workers are enlisted to administer the jab.

Tomorrow, the Administration will expand the pool of qualified professionals able to administer shots to include: Dentists, advanced and intermediate Emergency Medical Technicians, Midwives, Optometrists, Paramedics, Physician Assistants, Podiatrists, Respiratory Therapists, and Veterinarians, as well as medical students, nursing students, and other healthcare students in the previously listed professions under the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act. The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services will launch a new website to help individuals determine whether they are eligible to sign up to volunteer to administer shots.

Biden’s use of the military in the first two months of his administration should be a warning sign that freedom is on the verge of being extinguished and that respect for the troops has been used to distract from a much more sinister and nefarious agenda.