Pelosi Blames Trump And Global Warming For Biden’s Border Crisis

Maybe she’s upset that she’s 0-2 in impeachment attempts, but Nancy Pelosi is still going after former President Donald Trump, long after he left office. The latest attack has the Speaker of the House blaming Trump for the mess illegitimate president Joe Biden created at the border. Just in case that excuse doesn’t stick, Pelosi is also blaming global warming for the flood of illegal immigration created by Biden’s terrible executive orders.

Biden has invited scumbags from the third-world to our country with executive orders that have opened the border and given illegals both generous taxpayer benefits but also hope of citizenship. Illegal aliens have accepted that invitation and are pouring in, creating a serious crisis at the border.

Nancy Pelosi was on ABC’s This Week on Sunday and was asked what she makes of Biden’s border cluster*ck:

“The facts are these: there are more children. About 600, 700 more children, unaccompanied children, coming over the border. This is a humanitarian challenge to all of us,” said Pelosi.

Unless she means 600-700 children are coming over the border every minute, these are not facts. I also like how she mispronounced “border crisis” as “humanitarian challenge.”

Now here’s where she blamed Trump for Biden’s mess:

“What the administration has inherited is a broken system at the border, and they are working to correct that in the children’s interest,” Pelosi said. “This again is a transition for what was wrong before to what is right.”

There’s a very easy way to fact-check this claim, something host George Stephanopoulos didn’t do. Was there a border crisis under Trump? Is there a boarder crisis now? Did Joe Biden change anything about U.S. immigration policy? If the answers are no/yes/yes, which they are, then that means Biden created this problem.

Pelosi further tried to deflect blame from Biden by claiming the illegal immigration surge is a result of global warming:

“You saw the impact of climate change. These people were leaving because of the drought. They couldn’t farm and they were seeking other ways to survive,” said Pelosi.

Nice try, Nancy. The official Biden administration narrative on this is the illegal aliens are coming here because of hurricanes last fall, not drought caused by the global warming hoax.

Pelosi further beclowned herself by trying to spin the fact that Biden is putting kids in cages, something she and all democrats called Trump a Nazi for doing:

“I’m so pleased that the president, as a temporary measure, has sent FEMA to the border in order to help facilitate the children going from one 72-hour a chute into where they are cared for as they are transferred into family homes or homes that are safe for them to be,” Pelosi said.

What the hell is a 72-hour a chute?

The democrats are going to have a real hard time blaming Trump for Biden’s mistakes, especially considering that what Crazy Joe is doing is the opposite of the former President. That doesn’t mean they won’t try as evidenced by Pelosi’s pathetic attempt to pin Biden’s illegal immigration crisis on Trump, after inheriting the most secure border in the history of the United States.