Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Declares War On Critical Race Theory

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis continues to position himself for a possible 2024 White House run as the leader of the freest state in the union and on Wednesday, he declared war on racism.

In a news conference held in the city of Naples, a prime vacation destination located on the Gulf Of Mexico, the Republican leader discussed his COVID management which after being derided by the media is now being grudgingly acknowledged as the best in the nation as well as education in the Sunshine State.

Governor DeSantis made it clear that the cancer of critical race theory, a divisive Marxist dogma that has metastasized throughout America and subjected white students to shaming over their skin color has no place in the Florida curriculum, a bold move that will lead to his being accused of being a racist by the real racists.

According to DeSantis:

“Let me be clear, there’s no room in our classrooms for things like critical race theory, teaching kids to hate their country and to hate each other is not worth one red cent of taxpayer money.”


In denouncing the poisonous ideology DeSantis has provided an example for other Republican governors, just as he has with his response to COVID.

According to DeSantis; “I think if you look around the country, not just in Florida, over the last many years, maybe decades, understanding what our country was founded on, understanding the civic tradition, the Constitution, all these things has become very much a lost art. If you go into a lot of these universities now, even, and you want to study some of the foundational principles of our country and our society, it’s a lot harder to find those courses which would have been, in the past, something that everyone would be expected to know. Instead, they engage in these politicized academic fads, and offer courses that reflect which is really ideology, not actual facts.”

With his proposal for rewarding teachers with recognition as well as cash for undergoing civics training, the Republican leader is determined to not the CRT take root in Florida, an idea that will probably result in even more refugees from communist-controlled areas flocking to Florida. He also plans on requiring graduating high school students to pass a civics test similar to those that are given to prospective U.S. citizens.

DeSantis continues to elevate his profile nationally which already has Democrats very nervous, especially with their own slate of potential candidates that is so laughable that it includes Meghan Markle, wrecker of the Royal Family.

The governor’s handling of COVID in Florida has been such a success that even some media is begrudgingly admitting that it has blown that of blue states out of the water and such success has already but DeSantis at odds with the tyrannical occupying government in militarized D.C. when the Biden regime threatened an essential federal blockade of the Sunshine State.

DeSantis would be a perfect alternative to former President Donald J. Trump if he chooses to not run again and he could make freedom and the restoration of civil liberties his platform.