Citing Muslim Terrorist Attack, Biden Calls For Assault Weapons Ban

A radical Islamic terrorist killed 10 people so Americans should lose their 2nd Amendment rights. That’s the message illegitimate president Joe Biden is sending. Citing yesterday’s shooting in Boulder, Colorado, Shotgun Joe is calling for an “assault weapons” ban. How about a ban on murder or Islamic extremism instead of a trying to crush our Constitutional rights, jackass?

You knew this was coming:

“This is the one thing I do know enough to say on in what terms of what happened there. While we’re still waiting for more information regarding the shooter, his motive, the weapons he used, the guns, the magazines, the weapons, the modifications that have apparently taken place, those weapons that are involved here,” started Biden.

So the weapons, the guns, the weapons, and those weapons the shooter used? He’s off to a great start.

“I don’t need to wait another minute, let alone an hour to take commonsense steps it’ll save the lives in the future and urge my colleagues in the House and Senate to act. We can ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines in this country,” said Biden.

“Assault weapons” aren’t a real thing so it’ll be kind of hard to ban them. He of course isn’t talking about that but rather normal semi-automatic firearms that would never be used on the battlefield.

Biden then claimed he had successfully banned assault weapons and saved lived before.

“I got that done when I was a Senator. It passed and it was the law for a long time and it brought down these mass killings.

It didn’t actually ban anything, it was the law for 10 years, and it didn’t have any measurable effect on crime or mass shootings. Biden was at some point a Senator so his statement isn’t entirely fictitious.

After urging the Senate to pass 2 House gun control “brills” Biden laid this out:

“This is not and should not be a partisan issue,” Biden said.

He’s actually right here but unfortunately there’s only one party that took an oath to defend the Constitution that also wants to destroy a constitutional right. No elected official should be pushing gun control, but here are the democrats doing that and making it a partisan issue.

“This is an American issue that will save lives. American lives. And we have to act. We should also ban assault weapons in the process,” Biden said.

No gun control law has ever saved one life, but Biden thinks the millionth time is the charm.

Biden admitted that he doesn’t know anything about the Boulder shooting but is still sure that banning assault weapons and magazines will prevent any further mass shootings.

Then he finished with this weird thing:

“We have to act. There’s not more of you, there’s fewer of you as time goes on,” said Biden.


I’ve thought about this odd statement and what I think Biden was trying to say is that everyday without an assault weapons ban, the United State pollution is reduced. That’s easily the least factual thing he’s said here. So few people are killed by what he calls assault weapons that it’s statistically insignificant. Even the deaths attributed to all long guns is barely worth mentioning.

So there you have it: A Muslim commits an act of terrorism and and Biden says Americans should lose their 2nd Amendment gun ownership rights. That’s not how things work, Gomer.