It Begins: Democrat-Controlled States Lay The Groundwork For Biden’s National Lockdown

Here it comes…

There should be little argument that the Democrats and their globalist allies have used the media-induced COVID hysteria as a bulldozer to wreck America in order to “build back better” in accordance with the Green New Deal/Great Reset initiative to radically remake society.

With many states relaxing the onerous restrictions imposed one year ago, Dems sense that their grip on totalitarian power is slipping away and now, despite the distribution of the vaccines, a push to promote a mysterious “new strain” from Europe and a rise in “cases” in the form of positive tests is underway as a national lockdown ordered by White House occupant Joe Biden looms.

In his ballyhooed White House speech to commemorate the first anniversary of the lockdowns, lunchbucket Joe let the cat out of the bag when he said that “…if we don’t say vigilant and the conditions change, then we may have to reinstate restrictions to get back on track.”

Those “restrictions” are now manifesting themselves in the same Democrat-controlled bloc of states that led to the initial lockdowns with Governor Phil Murphy of New Jersey moving to halt re-openings citing the “variant” strain that will serve as the justification for the next round of government-mandated restrictions and the ongoing revocation of civil liberties.

Via Philadelphia ABC affiliate Action News 6, “Gov. Murphy says no new reopenings in NJ ‘for some time’ due to COVID variants”:

New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy said the state will not be doing any more reopenings “for some time” because of the emerging variants.

“My guess is we won’t be opening capacity for some time now because of the caseload,” Murphy said on CNN Monday morning.

Murphy was asked last week about whether vaccinated people would have to carry around a proof of vaccination, an idea that came under attack by the Republican Governors Association.

Murphy said “that’s all politics” and he would defer to CDC recommendations. “Do I think it’s a crazy idea? No,” he said.

Just days ago, capacity at New Jersey restaurants, gyms and health clubs, recreational facilities and arcades, and personal care businesses increased to 50% Friday.

Indoor gatherings increased from a limit of 10 people to 25, while outdoor gatherings went from 25 to 50 people.

The new limits don’t apply to religious services or ceremonies, political events, weddings, funerals or memorial services, which have higher or no limits. Seating at bars is still prohibited.

Meanwhile, Dr. Anthony Fauci defended the lockdowns that he championed in yet another of his media appearances, this time on the nationally syndicated Hugh Hewitt show.

Hewitt: “If you’re studying the data, have you led to any conclusion on lockdowns? Because we have some states like California that went in hard for lockdowns, they’re not doing any better, indeed, they might be doing worse than Florida, which did not go in for lockdowns at all. So, the sunk costs on lockdown are enormous and prevent people from dealing with it objectively. But you understand sunk costs. Did we make mistakes on lockdowns?”

Fauci: “You know, Hugh, I don’t think so. I think the lockdown situation is really very complicated. Because there have been some states that said they locked down, and when you look at the actual tracking them on GPSs about how much they locked down, it isn’t nearly as much as was claimed. In fact, they did a comparison of the European lockdown versus the United States lockdown, and they did it by GPS, how many people go to the stores, how many people go to the parks. And when Europe locked down, they locked down a heck of a [lot] more strictly than we did.”

Hewitt: “And it has efficacy? You believe it worked?”

Fauci: “Yes, it does. I mean, it has efficacy in suppressing the outbreak, but it also, as you say, and I agree, has significant economic consequences.”

For those who are trapped in New York, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and California among other hellholes under Democrat control, get ready for round two.

The real test is going to come when Biden orders up the national lockdown and how free states like Florida will respond. Is it possible that the illegitimate regime that has encircled Washington D.C. in razor wire with more troops than Baghdad’s Green Zone would order a military blockade on the Sunshine State?