Because Everything Is Stupid, Pro-Abortion Puppies Are A Thing

One of the dumbest ways liberals justify their indefensible beliefs is the “woke child” ploy in which they claim their 3-year-old supports gun control or abortion. Because abortion is the literal killing of children, one abortion advocacy group is promoting the absurd notion that puppies are pro-abortion. I don’t usually like to use the word “abortion” is a sentence 3 times, but somehow I pulled it off.


It’s doubtful that an Australian Sheppard would have a political agenda or opinions on abortion, but if he did, he’d probably be more concerned with spaying and neutering. After all, it’s his body, his choice. Or not.

This dumb-ass tweet inspired other dumbasses to share their pro-abortion doggies:

Damn! That is one one woke-ass dog. Either that or one crazy f*cking dog owner.

There were some people who replied with pictures of their pro-life pooches, but as the headline indicated, everything is stupid and Twitter issued warnings before people were allowed to view them:

How is this sensitive content?

Plus a mouse-killer who hates baby-killers:

This is my dog, Captain Phasma, and she has no opinions on politics or social issues…

…but she feels strongly about sniffing unicorn butts:

So woke children have now given way to pro-abortion puppies. Liberals keep finding new ways to be stupid and annoying. It’s probably a lot more work than it looks like.