Stunner: Biden Is In “Regular Touch” With Barack Obama

The puppeteer?

Following Joe Biden’s trainwreck of a press conference, it is becoming increasingly obvious to all but the corrupt and the dumb that the rapidly-fading career politician isn’t the one who is really calling the shots.

More likely, the junta that is now occupying Washington D.C. is being at least partially led by former President Barack Obama, a thin-skinned narcissist who has diabolically fueled the racial unrest that has swept the country since at least 2014 and who has big plans for an America that he and his celebrity wife have openly expressed disdain for.

Biden was always merely a brain-addled ventriloquist dummy for more nefarious interests, largely because of his phony image as a “moderate” which could be relied upon to bamboozle enough white low-information voters in the suburbs and among the elderly to facilitate his installation into the White House although a boatload of election “irregularities” certainly didn’t hurt.

With lunchbucket Joe’s deteriorating mental condition forcing an early shift to president-in-waiting Kamala Harris,  a manifestly unqualified cackling boob, it is no longer necessary to keep up the illusion that Biden is in charge and during a presser on Monday, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki acknowledged that the crash test dummy in chief was in “regular touch” with Obama.

Via The Epoch Times, “Biden Consults Regularly With Obama on ‘Range of Issues,’ Psaki Says”:

President Joe Biden and former President Barack Obama discuss a range of issues over the phone on a regular basis, according to White House press secretary Jen Psaki.

“Well, I will say, having a unique view of this question, they were not just the president and vice president, they are friends, and they consult and talk about a range of issues,” Psaki said during a press briefing at the White House on March 22. “I would expect that continues through the course of President Biden’s presidency.”

Psaki made the remarks in response to a question from a reporter who asked if Obama had visited the White House, pointing out that the former president was participating in an Affordable Care Act event at around the time Biden was highlighting the legislation’s 11th anniversary.

“That can be done over the phone, it turns out,” Psaki said, about Biden’s communications with Obama. “I think if President Obama had been here, you would all know. He’s a recognizable figure.

Obama has almost certainly been a part of the seditious operation undertaken against former President Donald J. Trump that has likely been run out of the mansion that he bought in the Kalorama area of the nation’s capital, a short distance from the White House.

The mansion/command bunker has allowed dear leader to maintain a presence in D.C. where he along with others that possibly include Valerie Jarrett and ex-CIA director John Brennan run the Biden regime with Susan Rice serving as the presence inside the White House.

Once Biden steps down or is otherwise removed for “health reasons,” Harris will be an even more easily controlled puppet for the prince of darkness only with the added bonus of the same protective skin pigmentation that Obama has used to his advantage.

To those who have been paying attention, this is certainly not any huge surprise.