The Great Biden Mask Scam of 2021: The Real Reason Biden Allowed Us to Dump Our Masks

Liberals who voted for Joe Biden are in shock and disarray. They’ve been allowed to hide behind their masks, which had become their “comfort muzzles.” They had grown to love their masks. They didn’t want mask-wearing to end. They never wanted to show their faces again. This from Wayne Allyn Root on

Then all of a sudden the feeble, perverted, incompetent old man with an acquired brain disease—actually his handlers—has pushed the ‘CHANGE’ button. The political usefulness of masks for the democrat party and ITs handlers has come to an end. Mask wearing is now seen by those calling the shots as a liability. No more masks–indoors or outdoors. No more hiding behind masks. Now liberals must resume washing, bathing, shaving, and performing all the other functions necessary to keep themselves socially tolerable.

Take a few moments to recollect what has become of America over the course of the last 100-plus days. The description of ‘dumpster fire’ would not be an exaggeration.

Here, for those of you who have not been keeping count, is a quick list of the ways Biden and his puppeteers have wrecked America from sea to shining sea, and across the globe:

1.  The borders are open with illegal aliens pouring in by the thousands per day, bringing crime, disease, debt and disaster for the middle class.

2. A massive wave of inflation is clearly coming because of madman Biden’s insane levels of spending. Just days ago, the producer price index soared by the most ever.

Biden is turning America into a combination of Venezuela, Zimbabwe and the infamous Weimar Republic.

3. Hours-long gas lines and the price of gas is skyrocketing.

4. The massive proposed Biden increases for income taxes, corporate taxes, capital gains taxes, estate taxes.

This comes on the heels of the economic disaster of Covid.

Small businesses are broke.

Half of all restaurants have gone out of business in blue states.

This is a surefire recipe for a Biden Great Depression.

Only a madman would raise taxes at this moment in time. Or a puppet doing the bidding of the enemies of America.

5. The global dumpster fire.

Israel is under missile attack by Hamas.

China’s bombers are invading Taiwan’s airspace.

Russia is threatening a war with Ukraine.

Iranian gunships are harassing US Navy destroyers.

6. Think WMDs. “Weapons of Mass Distraction.”

What’s a madman with dementia do to deflect from all these tragedies and disasters he’s caused in only 100 days? It’s time to bring out the WMD’s- “weapons of mass distraction.”

7. Think HIPAA. Days ago, Biden and his CDC announced that vaccinated Americans no longer need to wear masks indoors or outdoors–causing much confusion and discomfort. And we cannot legally be asked about our private medical information.

So, no one has a right to ask if we’ve been vaccinated. Therefore, masks are history. No more masks indoors or outdoors.

So, there you have it. This is “The Great Biden Mask Scam of 2021.” Science be damned. This is a nifty bit of sleight-of-hand to keep the problems of the Biden regime hidden.

No, it’s not science. There may have been some science involved originally, likely not. Now, though, policy is changing minute by minute, based on what democrats and the media need to hide—the helpless, feeble, old man with dementia; the economic ruin; the open borders; the murder of the middle class; or the death of the American Dream.

It’s all an illusion to keep us distracted. To hide the fact that we are living under an evil, corrupt regime performing actions designed to destroy our once-great nation. Covid and masks had their purpose as part of the election steal (not addressed in this article), then they became part of a cover-up (pun intended), now they’re no longer needed.

This is Biden’s handlers’ rationale for the removal of the mask mandate. Dr. Fauci and his guidance be damned—he has been transitioned from being an asset to being a liability. An investigation of his actions and his prosecution for crimes against humanity will likely become the next great American scam and obfuscation item. Stay tuned.