Don’t Forget: Democrats Crushed a Senate Police Reform Bill Because They Didn’t Like the Black Man Proposing It

The progressive liberal left of this country is hell bent on fanning the flames of unrest and destruction, and then they pay only lip service to finding reasonable solutions for the problems they blame on others, especially when someone “from across the aisle” proposes a viable solution. This from

Case in point: The problem of “police violence” in America. (We at Def-Con News know full well the actual problem is the existence of an element of our society which is presently unpoliceable.)

This is not a new problem. Black Americans have been complaining about this issue for decades. Apparently, a large number of the population feels there is something here that needs to be addressed. And who do they expect to address the many issues involving what has come to be called ‘police brutality in black communities’?

Legally speaking, we generally turn to our representatives, whom we vote into office to represent We the People. The progressive left is all too eager to get the government involved after every tragedy. Their only solutions are to make more laws and usually they love it when, after a tragedy, they can present more laws to be voted on.

As the verdict in the Chauvin trial is thoroughly pontificated upon and eventually digested, one obvious complaint will be that Congress has done nothing to prevent “police brutality.” And isn’t it funny that a Black Senator actually did introduce legislation to help curb a perceived problem and not only was it voted down by democrats but not even acknowledged by the media?

Seemingly, Senator Tim Scott is not worthy of such results. He doesn’t even exist for members of the main street media to discuss. He doesn’t fit the right narrative. Black and Republican? What is wrong with this man?

The L.A. Times did a piece on the frustration about lack of congressional legislation on the issue today, and it was tweeted out in all seriousness, as if it were some stunning feat of journalism. The headline alone is terrible. It’s almost as if they didn’t do any homework at all as to what legislation had already been put forth.

Do Laura and her cohorts even care that democrats — who have been blaming everybody under the sun who doesn’t vote democrat for the lack of police reform — shit-canned a bill that would have at least attempted to address the problem?

Senator Tim Scott blasted the Democrats for their partisan and selfish filibuster in an epic rant on the Senate floor. Was it picked up by Journalist Laura and the reporter who wrote the article or anyone at The L.A. Times? Or anyone in progressive media?  A rhetorical question.

As the hot takes continue on this subject, keep in mind that the Democrat-led media is going to do everything they can to avoid talking to or about anyone interested in genuine solutions. To them, these are election games. If they want to label a Georgia voter ID law as “Jim Crow on steroids,” then make them play by their own rules. They shot down the only police reform legislation offered last year; legislation that was crafted by a Black Senator. By their own definition, that’s got to be Jim Crow on steroids with a methamphetamine chaser. They need to own it.

For more about Senator Scott’s impassioned speech condemning democrats for playing politics with black lives, read from Sistah Toldjah here. Redstate covered the bill extensively.