The Enemy Within, by David Horowitz—A Call to Action to Save America

David Horowitz’s new book reveals a totalitarian movement that’s destroying America. This from Jason D. Hill on

Excerpts from David Horowitz’s new book: The Enemy Within: How a Totalitarian Movement is Destroying America, and commentary by Jason D. Hill:

The philosopher E.M. Cioran in his book, The Temptation to Exist, writes:

A decadent civilization compromises with its disease, cherishes the virus infecting it, loses its self-respect… by the same token it admits defeat, worm-eaten, done for. The smell of carrion fascinates and inflames those greedy and garrulous gravediggers we call the Apostles.

The Enemy Within raises “the haunting specter of an infectious virus decimating a civilization against the backdrop of two viruses at present infecting American civilization. One is biological in nature, Covid-19; the other political.”

The invasive virus identified by Horowitz is a left-wing reactionary politics ensconced within the Democratic Party.

Horowitz’s narrative covers almost every sphere of American life–cultural, educational, political–

infected by what he terms as the racist premises of the Progressive Left. He debunks many of the beliefs that have kept the policies of the left unchecked for decades. These include the view that blacks are still a marginalized and oppressed group, when in fact they are the beneficiaries of several race-based privileges and benefactions; and the view that systemic racism is not only endemic to America, but is a constitutive part of America’s identity.

Equally important to the book are the enormous contributions made to American and Western civilization by European males.

These achievements are our legacy–forged in the crucibles of resilience, sacrifice, devotion and genius.

Pursuant to the Democratic response to the 2020 elections and the question of voter fraud, or when he writes about former President Trump’s treatment of the COVID-19 virus at various stages of its manifestations,

He is clear to point out how the reactionary left, which, incidentally, includes, irresponsible behavior on the part of mainstream media, has interfered with or lied about putative evidence. What a reader takes to be obvious as reported by the media, Horowitz exposes to be an essential cover-up by a confederacy of left-wing liars.

He shows how the universities are the purveyors of some of the most dangerous ideas that then get transmitted to the general culture.

…and he shows how over the last forty years, due in part to a large bloated administrative class, conservative voices have been silenced on campuses. Viewpoints that challenge received wisdom get criminalized to the point that even an utterance such as: “America is a land of opportunity,” can be construed as racist and a form of “micro-aggression.”

The themes of this book could be described as a description and analysis of those who love America and desire to continue making it great versus those who hate it and wish to destroy it.

Horowitz provides compelling evidence to indict the reactionary ideological left as complicit in hating America and wishing to destroy it.

He, therefore, is not a polarizing or divisive writer.

Horowitz realizes that there is a culture war taking place. He continues the noble and good fight in this book against the cult of nihilism that the Left represents–the fight of all those who stand for freedom and liberty. The book, to the extent that books can be part of a war effort, is, therefore, a clarion call for justice for all, for values that are American values many have died and risked their lives for.

The book, therefore, is a call to action:

Take back our country from the annihilatory predators who are returning us to a primeval form of existence. It is not too late to reverse the current political trends in this country. America is not yet hopelessly lost. She is worth fighting for and holding on to. Do not let her go.

To try to put a positive spin on our current dilemma, I encourage you to think of another great republic, Rome, which likewise experienced tremendous growing pains. It began as a kingdom in approximately 753 BC, then progressed to being a Republic between 509 BC and 27 BC. Rome then existed as an Empire until 395 AD. Throughout their 1,100-plus years, Romans suffered no less than six bloody civil wars and multiple battles and wars with other powers. Through it all Romans were a proud lot, commanding envy and respect by all who knew of her.

We are not alone Def-Con News readers. Millions across America are crying for our beloved country and are making ready for whatever next must come. David Horowitz has documented our predicament and he too is hoping and praying for our success. May God bless us all in the weeks and months to come. President Trump you are missed, sir.