Protesters Outraged That Black Cop Shot Armed Black Thug

The “racist” policing system reared its ugly head again in Knoxville, Tennessee when cops shot and killed an innocent young black teenager. Actually, the teenager was armed and fired a shot at officers and the cop who pulled the trigger was also black so it’s probably not all that racist. Protesters however thinks it’s pretty damn racist for a black cop to defend his and his fellow officers’ lives because everything is stupid in this country now.

Fox News reports that 17-year-old Anthony Thompson Jr. assaulted his girlfriend on April 12. The girlfriend’s mother called police and filed a domestic abuse complaint. Officers tracked Thompson down to a bathroom at Austin-East Magnet High School in Knoxville, TN. Here’s the body cam footage of the arrest attempt:

As you can see, officers demand that Thompson show his hands, but he resists. He has a gun in the front pocket of his hoodie that discharges, luckily missing the officers. One cop, identified as officer Jonathon Clabough, fired his weapon, striking Thompson in the chest. As Thompson and another officer fell to the floor, Clabough fired a second shot, striking his fellow officer in the leg.

And here’s what officer Clabough looks like:

He has a certain hue about him that doesn’t exactly scream “white supremacist!”

This was a totally justified shooting as Thompson was armed and actually fired a shot at officers. It also wasn’t racist because it was a black officer shooting an armed black thug.

But, as Knox News reports, the black community is outraged and has been protesting the racist nature of this justified use of deadly force:

The gathering of hundreds of protesters on foot and following in vehicles was much like the night before, only the cries for police reform grew louder and attracted more people as another day passed with questions about why the teen had to die.

Protesters say the police bodycam footage did not show the officer shooting in self-defense. They say they witnessed a murder.

“This has been going on for too long, and we are here to say, ‘Enough is enough,’” said protest organizer Rev. Calvin Skinner.

Enough of what? Cops defending their lives against scumbags firing weapons at them?

The NY Post reports that thankfully no charges will be brought against officer Clabough:

“This is a self-defense case,” said, Knox County District Attorney General Charme Allen. “At the end of the day, we have found the shooting by Officer Clabough was justified.”

Despite the lack of charges, this still has the potential to become a full-blown shitshow. Thompson’s family is being represented by George Floyd’s family attorney Ben Crump.

“Once again, when a black person is killed, in this case a black child, the police quickly shape a narrative to justify the death,” said Crump.

There’s no need to shape the narrative when the video clearly shows Thompson was amred and fired a shot at cops. If he hadn’t been armed, he’d still be alive. Had he not fired a shot, he’d still be alive. Even if he would have complied with officers and surrendered peacefully, he’d still be alive.

A black officer shooting a an armed black thug is not racist no matter how these perpetually outraged activists spin it. But hey, if they really need to find some racism in this, a black officer did shoot a white officer in the leg. What’s up with that?