Celebrity Blackface Brigade Accuses Black Republican Tim Scott Of Racism

In his rebuttal to Joe Biden’s address to a joint session of Congress, Republican Tim Scott, who is black, said that contrary to the illegitimate president’s assertion, America is not a racist country. Liberals were determined to prove him wrong and threw every racist name in the book at Scott, including getting #UncleTim trending on Twitter. Liberal celebrities who love wearing blackface got in on the action and have accused the black Republican of being racist.

Whitesplaining, like all other forms of racism are really only racist if conservatives do them. Here’s The View’s Joy Behar explaining how Tim Scott, a black man from South Carolina and the descendant of slaves owned by democrats, just doesn’t understand racism:

“Now, Tim Scott, he does not seem to understand — and a lot of them don’t seem to understand — the difference between a racist country and systemic racism. They don’t seem to get the difference. Yes, maybe it’s not a racist country. Maybe Americans, the majority, are not racist. But we live in a country with systemic racism. The fact that Tim Scott cannot acknowledge this is appalling. How can you go out there and say that?” Behar said.

Well, if anyone knows racism, it’s Joy Behar. Remember that time she admitted to going in blackface for Halloween:

Not to be outdone, Jimmy Kimmel said Tim Scott has no idea how to be black:

“Every black Republican Senator got together to let the American people know the Republican Party isn’t racist,” said Kimmel. “And then Tim promptly returned to the sensory deprivation egg he calls home.”

Well, if anyone knows how to be black, it’s Jimmy Kimmel. Remember his flattering impersonation of NBA great Karl Malone:

Kimmel gets bonus woke points for also trying to make it seem like there are so many more black democrats in the Senate. To be clear, there is only Cory Booker and Raphael Warnock and that second dude is only there because Georgia’s election was hijacked.

If a conservative offers up a fair critique or appropriate criticism of a black politician, it’s the most racist thing anyone has ever done. When blackface wearing liberal white celebrities attack a black Republican as racist, it’s called social justice. This country is so f*cked up and liberals are the reason why.