Biden Says He Will Abolish ICE in 5 Days

One of the first things Joe Biden did after stealing the White House was issue an executive order stating the the United States will no longer enforce immigration laws. If there is no enforcement, Biden certainly sees no need for the agency responsible for that and has told a group of radical leftists that he will dismantle Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). And with that, America’s transition to “Northern Mexico” is complete.

Despite saying Georgia is “Jim Crow on steroids” Biden went to the Peach Tree State and held a car rally. Like all Biden appearances, this was sparsely-attended, but there were a few protesters:

Biden will never answer to the American people, but he always bows to leftist fringe groups and anti-American terrorists so…

After the angry mob demanded Biden abolish ICE, Crazy Joe gave the lunatics what they wanted.

“I agree with you. I’m working on it, man. Give me another five days,” said Biden.

Biden wasn’t laughing or smiling when he delivered that line so to use his own words, he was “deadly earnest” it it was “not a joke, man.”

When conservatives say they want to shrink the size of the federal government, this is not what they mean. When leftist say they want to defund the police, this is exactly what they mean.

Joe has set a timetable of 5 days to dismantle ICE. The question is, will he really do it? He does have a tendency to be completely full of shit, but since he stole the White House, he’s been pretty good at implementing the leftist agenda.

Since the leftist agenda is to dismantle America, it seems likely that Joe would dismantle the agency responsible for protecting America to make that a reality.

And by Joe dismantling ICE, I mean his handlers would be doing this. Joe is not in control of this country or his own facilities. To prove that, as the rally was ending, Joe suddenly couldn’t find his mask:

As Jackie Wilson blared from the PA, a very disoriented Biden desperately searched the podium for his lost mask. He shuffled through his flash cards and folders, while Wife Jill helped him scour the 3 square feet around him.

“I’m looking for my mask. I’m in trouble,” Biden announced.

For the second time this week, Biden claimed he’s in trouble. With who? The President of the United States, even an illegitimate one like Joe, should be the final authority, but Biden is terrified that whoever is in charge of him will be displeased. Do they beat him over trivial things like losing a mask?

Luckily a Secret Service agent came over and slipped Joe a mask so he could pretend like he found his. Beating averted. Maybe.

It’s unclear what the purpose of Biden’s car rally in Georgia was, but he clearly demonstrated that he is not in charge and is destroying America on behalf of his communist puppet masters.