CIA Unleashes Woke Recruitment Video Series

I’m not sure if this is a counter-intelligence operation to make our enemies think we are weak, but the CIA’s new woke recruitment videos certainly have the KGB, CCP, and Iran’s MoI laughing at us. Checking off all of the diversity boxes possible, this video series lets the world know that qualifications and competency are the last thing the CIA is looking for in a new recruit.

In a series called “Humans of CIA” we are introduced to a diverse group of CIA employees: a black woman, a gay man, a Latina woman, a Latino man, a blind woman, another black woman, and finally a white guy who doesn’t show his face or introduce himself but does talk about diversity. That should have our enemies shaking in their burkas.

Also, WTF? No trannies, Jihadis, or Asians?

Because I would make one hell of a analyst, but lack personal diversity characteristics, I thought I’d break down the Latino woman video to show the CIA what they’re missing by excluding white heterosexual men:

This unnamed Latino woman checks off all the boxes:

“I am a woman of color. I am a mom. I am a cisgender millennial who’s been diagnosed with general anxiety disorder. I am intersectional,” she says.

Sound like all of the qualities one must possess to be a gender studies professor at a liberal arts college, but she’s in the CIA. Yay.

After checking off all of those woke boxes, the Latina woman then says:

“My existence is not a box-checking exercise,” she claims.

Then why did she bother to check off all of those boxes?

After that, the woman says she has earned everything she has:

“I did not sneak into CIA. My employment was not and is not a result of a fluke or slip through the cracks. I earned my way in and I earned my way up through the ranks,” she said.

While she said these things, there are shots of a variety of diversity and inclusion awards she has been given, indicating that she got where she is because of her non-whiteness and non-maleness.

Then there’s this thing that again would be more qualifying for a liberal arts gender studies professor:

“I refused to internalize misguided patriarchal ideas of what a woman can pr should be,” she said.


“I’m tired of feeling like I’m supposed apologize for the space I occupy rather than intoxicate people with my effort, my brilliance,” she said.

A woke narcissist is the complete opposite of what the CIA should be looking for, since a person like this is so easily compromised.

Finally. it’s possible this Latino woman is an illegal alien. She holds up picture of her immigrant parents and says:

“My parents left everything they knew and loved to expose me to opportunities they never had. Because of them, I stand here today a proud first generation Latina and officer at CIA.”

So she’s either an anchor baby or a “Dreamer” which again doesn’t scream “reliable CIA agent.”

This has to be some kind of psy-ops kind of thing, right? I mean, it can’t be real.

Unfortunately, considering who is occupying the White House, it’s all too real. Joe Biden is intent on destroying the military, law enforcement, and intelligence by replacing competent people with woke box-checkers.

In the business sector, when you go woke you go broke. When the agencies tasked with protecting us go woke, America gets smoked.