AOC Claims She Is A ‘Planned Parenthood Baby’

Dimwit Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is completely full of crap but here’s one time we’re wishing she was telling the truth. According to AOC, she is a “Planned Parenthood Baby.” Planned Parenthood is the country’s largest abortion provider and if only they had done their job, we wouldn’t subjected to her idiocy.

The House democrats held some kind of pro-abortion hearing today because they are not serious people who are interested in addressing the real needs of their constituents. Speaking of which, here’s AOC Zooming from the womb:

“First and foremost, I don’t want to hear a single person in this committee or outside of this committee talk about valuing life when they continue to uphold the death penalty, when they continue to support policies that disproportionally incarcerate and lead to the deaths of black men and people throughout this country and uphold an unjust medical system,” started Ocasio-Cortez.

So it’s not possible to think it’s horrible to murder unborn babies as a matter of convenience if you also think cold-blooded killers should pay the ultimate price? You can’t be sickened by an industry that kills babies and sells their body parts if you belief in a system of justice that arrests and jails people for crimes they have committed? You can’t be against abortion if you support ObamaCare?

Wait, that last one applies to AOC. Under her logic, she is pro-life because she is pro-socialized medicine. I’m sure she’ll realize this and correct it.

In the meantime, AOC is so sick and tired of hearing about how many babies Planned Parenthood kills every year:

“If we want to talk about Planned Parenthood, let’s talk about how many lives Planned Parenthood has saved and how many babies have been born because of the prenatal care provided by Planned Parenthood,” Ocasio-Cortez said.

Zero? I honestly don’t know but I am aware that 90% of their business is abortions. There’s no way Planned Parenthood saved as many lives as they’ve taken. Also, generally speaking, prenatal care doesn’t save lives unless there is an issue and most pregnancies are normal and drama-free. Even if Planned Parenthood served as many women for prenatal care as they do for abortions, the over/under would still be heavily on the murder side.

Thankfully AOC wasn’t just popping off and had some concert proof that Planned Parenthood is all about saving lives:

“And if you don’t believe it and if you’ve never met a Planned Parenthood baby, I am happy to let you know I am one,” said Ocasio-Cortez.

1 – I don’t believe it.

2 – I have met several Planned Parenthood babies in the form of fetal tissue used to develop a chemical food additive found in many Coca-Cola and Kraft products.

3 – AOC is never happy.

4 – AOC is lying.

Even though AOC likes to pretend she’s ghetto-trash from the Bronx, she grew up in a very affluent family. Her mom didn’t get prenatal care from Planned Parenthood anymore than AOC is brilliant and articulate.

I would believe this if she claimed that she survived an abortion attempt because…well, you know. Something happened in her mother’s womb to make her as dumb and insipid as she is.

Again, this is more proof that her mother didn’t receive prenatal care from Planned Parenthood or from anyone else. One ultrasound would have revealed the presence of the donkey-teeth gene and something would have been done to correct it.