Indiana Town Now First And Second Amendment Sanctuary

Great news story here!

Mooresville, a town in Indiana has officially declared itself a sanctuary for both the First and Second Amendments. As told by

The town of Mooresville declared itself both a First and Second Amendment sanctuary town and a place against cancel culture, but legal experts have doubts about what this move actually does.

“This is just a product of a political environment where conservatives feel that free speech and Second Amendment rights are under assault. This is intended to make them feel better,” said Steve Sanders, a Constitutional law professor at the Maurer School of Law at IU Bloomington.

In a divided vote, the council voted to be a sanctuary town for both the First and Second amendments Tuesday night.

Mooresville is the first town in Indiana to do this.

Below is a local news report on the resolutions:

One of the resolutions says that they will oppose any public funds used to infringe on residents’ Second Amendment rights.

The second resolution opposes infringements on religious liberties.

What say you Def-Con News readers? Is this a blueprint for other towns? Conservative corners of America are pitching in and doing what they feel they can in the effort to save America from  the forces arrayed by the anti-establishment social democrat party. God speed Mooresville, Indiana.