WATCH: Israel posts video of Iron Dome destroying multiple Hamas rockets at one time!

After issuing an ultimatum for Israel to withdraw from the Temple Mount and a particular neighborhood in Jerusalem, Hamas launched multiple rockets, including an anti-tank missile from the Gaza Strip into Southern Israel.

However, below is Israel’s plan for response to just such an outside missile threat.

Watch and behold. Don’t ya just love a plan coming together? Beautiful, Beautiful, Beautiful!

The IDF posted video of the Iron Dome doing it’s job and destroying multiple Hamas rockets that were fired today at the southern Israeli city of Ashkelon:

I never get tired of watching the Iron Dome do its job. Seriously, it’s so badass.

If you’re wondering about the imagery, what you see in the video is the Iron Dome missiles. You can’t see the rockets, but their system can and every time you see an explosion it intercepted one.

Here’s another video of the same explosions I believe:

The IDF also officially reported that they’ve begun hitting targets in Gaza in retaliation for the rocket fire:

If you aren’t familiar with the iron dome, here’s a short video on how it works:

Spy vs. spy. Missile vs. missile. Reminds me of the Mad Magazine of old. Hamas missiles? Israel: What me worry?