Joe Biden Has Become Jimmy Carter 2.0

Jimmy Carter was easily the worst president in modern U.S. history. During his short reign of terribleness, America suffered a recession, high inflation, high unemployment, and gas shortages. Joe Biden’s only been in the White House for a little over 3 months and he’s already recreating the depressing economic conditions of the late 1970’s. Joe Biden is Jimmy Carter 2: Dyslexic Boogaloo.

The Bidens recently met with the Carters and took a strange picture in which the current occupiers of the White House towered over the former ones:

Def-Con News speculated that Biden was actually sucking Carter dry of his suckiness, which resulted in his shrinking:

What I do think has happened is that Biden has literally drained Carter of his shitty governance abilities and caused him to shrivel up.

Think about it: Biden has always been a swamp-dwelling horrible elected representative but Carter is the worst president in modern American history. Since Biden stole the White House, he has miraculously become even worse than he was. The only thing that can explain this is that Biden sucked out all of Carter’s suckiness.

And here’s the proof:

Under Jimmy Carter’s watch, inflation increased from 5.8% to 13.5 %. Joe Biden’s massive spending plans have already ticked up inflation this year 1.01% over the average and he has many more trillions of dollars he wants to blow.

Unemployment was 6.4% when Carter took office. The fed raised the interest rate to 20% to “stop” inflation and the unemployment rate rose to 7.2% when America voted him out. Biden had 6% unemployment upon taking office and rose that to 6.1% in 3 months despite the pandemic ending and people being allowed to go back to work.

With Carter at the helm, America was dependent upon foreign oil, which resulted in massive gas shortages. President Trump made America completely independent of foreign oil, but Biden has reversed much of that and:

Carter increased the size of the federal government, creating many bloated and useless bureaucracies, something Biden is doing as well.

Jimmy Carter was a peanut farmer and Joe Biden has a shriveled up peanut for a brain.

Jimmy Carter only had one term and there isn’t a person on the planet, including Joe, who thinks Biden will get a second term. There aren’t many who believe Biden will even complete one term.

If I was a betting man, I’d throw it all down on there being a hostage crisis and botched rescue attempt in Iran under Biden. These men are too similar for there not to be.

Joe Biden is Jimmy Carter rebooted but because the remake is always worse than the original, Joe also has created an illegal immigration crisis and a war on white Americans.

Jimmy Carter took several years to ruin America, but Joe Biden is killing this country in 3 short months. Just imagine how bad things will be a year from now.