Hunter Biden Is Trying To Weasel Out Of Paying Child Support To His Stripper Baby Mama

The smartest man Joe Biden knows is doing another incredibly stupid thing. The illegitimate president’s son, Hunter, is trying to renegotiate the child support he pays to a stripper he fathered a child with, citing poverty. What that means is that the court is going to take a look at his finances, something the FBI should be doing but also something Hunter and Joe don’t want to happen.

Back when Hunter was still banging his dead brother’s widow, Hallie, he also had sex with a stripper in Washington D.C. named Lunden Roberts. That one-night stand produced a daughter named Navy Joan. At first, Hunter denied being the father but a DNA test proved his paternity and he was forced to pay child support. Later, Hunter would claim he was so high on crack that he didn’t remember the sexual encounter.

The NY Post reports that Hunter has filed a request with an Arkansas judge to have his child support payments radically reduced. The request cites “a substantial material change” in Hunter’s “financial circumstances, including but not limited to his income.”

The bad news is this will expose Hunter’s lawlessness and corruption, as explained by Roberts’ attorney Clint Lancaster:

“Ultimately, this is going to require us to look deeply, more deeply, into Hunter’s finances. I’m going to want to have a deposition with Mr. Biden. Like last time, I’m going to bring my forensic accountant to the deposition,” said Lancaster.

Who knows what will turn up in a forensic analysis of Hunter Biden’s finances? Whatever there may be, you can bet Joe doesn’t want to coming out.

Basically, Hunter Biden is crying poverty, claiming he can no longer make the child support payments, but he appears to be doing very well for himself.

Hunter currently lives in a $20,000 a month Malibu beach house.

In April of this year he published his memoirs that nobody bought but it’s a guarantee the he got a big fat advance.

Last year, Hunter sold at least 5 of his paintings at $75,000 apiece.

In June 2019, Hunter bought a $2.5 million mansion in the Hollywood Hills that he for some reason doesn’t live in.

During a 3-month stretch in late 2018/early 2019, Hunter spent $100,000 on Russian hookers and crack.

Hunter owns several shell companies, investment firms, and stakes in corporations that netted him $11 million between 2013 and 2018.

Hunter has traded on his family name and received at least $6.5 million in kickbacks between 2014-2019.

If he’s broke, he’s a bigger loser than he appears. Even MC Hammer didn’t blow his money that fast. Also, he could probably save a little money by laying off the hookers and crack while living in a more affordable home.

His stripper baby mama’s lawyer is going to have some fun combing through the murky world of Hunter Biden’s finances. The FBI may be slow-walking their investigation into the illegitimate president’s son, but Roberts’ attorney will find all of the sordid details.

And that’s what makes this a profoundly stupid move from the smartest man Joe Biden knows. Instead of living up to his obligations, Hunter is trying to weasel out of paying child support he can clearly afford. In doing so, he risks exposing all of his criminal activities and the corruption of his entire rotten family. I’m actually shocked that Papa Joe’s handlers haven’t had Hunter “suicided” at this point.