BREAKING: Biden to Restart Construction on the President Trump Border Wall

Biden is finally relenting and resuming construction on the border wall in the Rio Grande sector due to pressure from local residents. This from

About damn time, right? But will the border wall construction be on this one sector only? Perhaps it’ll be as little as possible to keep the woke crowd off his back.

And they say it was only paused for a review, but we all know it was stopped because the Biden regime hates the wall and wants the mess they created.

Brandon Morse created the following very informative video on just how bad the situation at the southern border has gotten. Let’s hope the reboot of the wall construction will work toward stemming the tide. This from

The above video is very in-depth, and gruesome in spots. It’s well worth the time to watch to obtain a clearer picture of the democrat party border blunder and resultant disaster.