George Floyd’s Brother Wants Law To Protect Black People The Way Bald Eagles Are Protected

As part of the ongoing festivities for George Floyd Death Day, the late drug abuser’s family met with illegitimate president Joe Biden at the White House. As far as I can tell the thrust of this meeting was Biden promising to put black people on the endangered species list. Floyd’s brother said he wants black people to be protected the same way that the United States protects the Bald Eagle.

In a press conference that Biden chose not to be a part of, Floyd’s family spoke on the White House grounds:

“This the thang, if you can make federal laws to protect the bird, which is the bald eagle, you can make federal laws to protect people of color,” said Philonise Floyd.

Well, black people already enjoy some of the same protections as the bald eagle in that it’s illegal to hunt either of them. The problem however is that Bald Eagles aren’t poached by other Bald Eagles the way black people are killed almost exclusively by other black people. It’s unclear how any law beyond what exists could stop black-on-black murder.

The Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act was passed because DDT, used to kill mosquitos, got into the eagles’ systems and made their eggs so fragile that hardly any new eagles were born. The introduction of DDT was not something eagles chose, but black people like George Floyd willfully take lethal doses of meth and fentanyl. Again, what law is going to stop black people from killing themselves with illegal drugs?

But hey, if a guy with a name that sounds like black mayonnaise wants to have people of color protected the same way the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act protects birds, have at it. He should know that the fine for killing a Bald Eagle is only $5,000 and up to a year in jail. If this had been in effect last year, former officer Derrick Chauvin, who was convicted of Floyd’s murder, would probably already be back on the streets, and certainly the Floyd family wouldn’t have hit the ghetto lottery with that massive pay-out lawsuit settlement.

In fact here’s an actual conviction under the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act:

A West Virginia man was convicted in federal court for killing a bald eagle and sentenced to serve six days in federal prison, 11 months and 26 days of home confinement, and five years supervised probation; he must also forfeit the rifle used to kill the eagle and pay $3,301 in jail and court fees.

Chauvin would have been out in less than a week and maybe would have surrendered his knee.

Also, the Bald Eagle has been removed form the endangered species list, so they can be “taken” under certain circumstances. With a special permit from the U.S. Fish & Wildlife service, one can take a Bald Eagle into captivity, take it’s home, take it’s young, and even kill it. Would there be a similar provision in the People of Color Protection Act? Could permits be given to take black people, their homes, their children, and kill them? Again, Floyd’s brother called for a similar law.

What Philonise Floyd doesn’t understand is that we can pass a federal law to protect Bald Eagles because they don’t kill each other or themselves with illegal narcotics and they certainly don’t attack armed park rangers. Creating a similar law for the protection of people of color would be impossible because of people of color.