Kamala Harris Says Future Of U.S. Marines Is Women Carrying Rolled-Up Solar Panels

There’s definitely been a concerted effort by the Biden administration to wussify the United States military and illegitimate vice president Kamala Harris laid out how. According to the Cackling Kamaltoe, the future of the U.S. Marine Corps is females carrying rolled-up solar panels. We won’t be able to fight wars, but Harris says we will kick the crap out of global warming.

Harris gave the key note speech at the Unites States Naval Academy commencement on Friday, which must have been a thrill for the graduating class. I’m actually being serious. They could have gotten Biden, so Harris was the lessor of two evils. Even so, she still managed some Biden-esque weirdness:

“Then of course there is climate change, which is a very real threat to our national security and I look at you and I know you are among the experts who will navigate and mitigate the threat,” said Harris.

And here’s how Harris says the Navy graduates will battle the mighty Kraken of global warming:

“You are the ocean engineers who will navigate ships through thinning ice,” Harris said.

Wouldn’t it be easier to navigate through thinning ice than thick ice? There’s no time to ponder that because this is where Harris went next:

“You are electable engineers who will soon help convert solar and wind energy into power. Convert solar and wind energy into combat power,” said Harris.

So nobody has figured out how to convert solar and wind energy into power? Again, we can’t dwell on that because Harris laid out how these Navy graduates are going to turn solar power into “combat power.”

“Just ask any Marine today, would she rather carry 20 pounds of batteries or a rolled-up solar panel and I am positive she will tell you: a solar panel. And so would he,” Harris said.

This was apparently a joke because Harris busted out in laughter. Either that, or she was lying since she tends to cackle to cover her lies. In either case, only Kamaltoe was in on the joke because she was the only one who laughed.

So apparently the future of combat is female Marines bringing solar panels to the battlefield, which doesn’t sound like a winning formula. What if it’s a cloudy day or a nighttime combat operation? Do our troops want to rely on solar panels for all of their power and communications during a battle?

Maybe Harris should ask that female Marine if she prefers dying over living and I’m positive she will tell her: living. That was not a joke, but Kamaltoe and Crazy Joe are if they think unreliable renewable energy is a viable option for U.S. combat operations.

I guess it doesn’t really matter if our troops are screwed because their electric Humvees and solar-reliant communications craps out in the heat of the battle, if the ranks are filled with LGBT weirdoes like the Biden administration is promoting. The best equipment in the world ain’t going to help a military based on checking off intersectional boxes rather than merit and training.

Just the fact that Biden administration is gearing our military up to fight global warming tells me we’re trouble. This is like preparing the military to take on vampire unicorns and their Bigfoot army. None of these things exist. We should be preparing for real threats like Muslims and communists.