Kamala Harris Laughs And Lies Her Way Through ‘Equal Pay For Women’ Summit

Everything the democrats believe in is based on bullshit and one of the biggest turds is that women are paid less for doing the same work as men. Nobody is more full of shit than Kamala Harris and she laughed and lied her way through an “Equal Pay for Women” summit at the fake White House today.

Having solved the border crisis, the war in Europe, and runaway inflation, Kamala Harris set her sights on the actual biggest problem in the world: fake pay inequality.

“[Women] are paid less for doing similar work. They are routinely shut out of good jobs in high-paying industries such as science and technology, construction and truck driving,” said Harris.

All of these industries require some form of education and/or training. The issue is women aren’t as interested in going into these fields and therefor lack the qualifications to land jobs. That’s not being shut out, it’s a choice. Am I shut out of the judicial industry because I chose to not go to law school?

Luckily Kamala had a bullshit reason for the bullshit reason why women don’t chose to go into these fields.

“Our society tells women that some industries are just not for them,” Harris said.

So it’s societies fault that most women don’t consider ditch-digging a dream job?

“Today on average, working women, who are working full-time, year-round, make just 83 cents for every dollar that a man makes,” said Harris.

I’m not convinced that’s even true but the reason could be that many women work in lower-paying service industries while men have higher-paying skilled jobs. The main point is, this is not an apples-to-apples comparison. No woman with a similar education and experience makes less than a man in the same exact job.

And the reason why we know that is true is because if you could pay women 17% less than men for the same job, bottom line-minded companies would fire all the men and only hire women to save money.

Kamala Harris is a woman and she makes $230,700 a year as the illegitimate vice president of the United Sates. That’s the exact same salary Mike Pence, a man, earned when he was VP. And the thing is, Pence did all kinds of things like develop a COVID-19 vaccine while Harris doesn’t do anything and she still gets the same money.

“Over a 40-year career, a woman will lose out on about $400,000. For black women, Latina women, Native American women that loss in wages is close to one million dollars,” Harris said.

Liberals like throw out numbers for shock value, hoping nobody will ever scrutinize them but I did. If a woman of color lost $1,000,000 in wages over a 40-year career, that’s $25,000 a year. If we go back to Harris’ claim that women make 83 cents on the dollar to men, she’s bitching about black and Latina women who make close to $80,000 a year. Her numbers are bullshit, but it still seems weird she complains about women of color making good salaries.

Harris talked for about fifteen minutes and she did her best to appear serious but towards the end, she couldn’t contain the laughter any more.

“We must build an economy that works for women. That is one of our administration’s central missions and that has been a central mission of mine for quite some time,” said Harris with a chuckle.

“By the way, I think it’s always appropriate to be transparent about the results,” said Harris bursting with laughter.

“An economy that works for women and everyone, that’s how it goes, an economy that works for some, works for everyone,” said Harris with a cackle.

It’s unclear what was so damn funny, but Harris tends to laugh at everything.

The great thing for liberals in claiming something false like women make less than men for the same job is that they can turn around and declare that they’ve fixed it. The problem for democrats is, they love this lie too much to ever give it up with another lie of victory.