Joe Biden Proves Karine Jean Pierre Wrong After She Calls Him The ‘Best Communicator’

It’s unclear what Joe Biden is good at, but of the things he sucks at, communicating is #1. White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said yesterday that Joe is the best communicator in the White House, and within seconds Biden proved her wrong.

Jean-Pierre was asked yesterday if there were some areas in which Biden has trouble communicating. The actual answer is, all areas, but the WH press secretary went with this lie instead:

Proving that lying for Biden is hard goddamn work, within minutes, Joe showed off his communication skills:

In case you can’t figure out what Biden is communicating there, allow me to transcribe:

“Reeg over the, over the, over the Holly river. Look, in and Warshaw or shooby wuh-uh wuh-uh wuh-uh Washa County in Nevada, we’re spending 89 billion dollars to add several rains,” said Biden.

Besides the sheer incoherence of that, there is no such place as Washa County, Nevada. There is a Washoe County but there is no Holly river there or anywhere in Nevada. There isn’t even a river that kind of sounds like Holly. The only river through Washoe County is the Truckee River.

In a case of same shit, different day, Joe made KJP look even more foolish for bragging about his great communications skill, by annihilating the English language on Wednesday:

Once again, allow me to fill all of your transcribing needs:

“Senner Scott’s bottom line is, he said ‘we’re reducing the deficit in the same time we’re gaving, and we’re gaving suh suh Steve is a fair price.’ Somehow that’s costing the government. He’s a little confused,” said Biden.

I seriously doubt Senner Scott said any such thing, and it’s clearly Biden who is a little confused.  “Gaving” is not a word and “suh suh Steve” is not a fair price, or anything else for that matter.

Communicating, in the simplest of terms, is explaining something in a way that it can be understood by others. Joe Biden can’t pronounce most things, slurs his speech, and makes up bizarre words. On top of that, he’s a liar and completely out of his mind. That is to say, he can’t communicate on a level that would be recognized by any other living thing.

I don’t care for anyone on the Biden administration, but at the same time, I don’t envy their job, pretending like everything is fine with Joe. Then again, they knowingly took jobs to lie on behalf of a senile old fool, so that’s on them.

I will however give Karine Jean-Pierre a pass on her claim that Joe Biden is the best communicator that the White House has. It’s technically not a lie because the entire administration sucks at communicating anything close to the truth. They are all liars and scumbags. Joe just happens to be the one getting the most screen time.