Biden Moves To Ban Guns And Purge Conservative Speech To Combat ‘Domestic Terrorism’

Illegitimate president Joe Biden and his entire administration keep saying that white supremacy, a term used interchangeably with domestic terrorism, is the biggest threat facing our nation. They also define domestic terrorism as anything right-wing or conservative. In a new report, the White House is recommending a gun ban and a total purge of conservative speech to stop the made-up threat of white supremacist domestic terrorism.

A new report from the White House titled National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism was compiled by the National Security Council and signed by Joe Biden.

First, the report tries to establish that the mild protest of January 6 at the U.S. Capitol was domestic terrorism the same as the Oklahoma City bombing:

Domestic terrorist attacks in the United States also have been committed frequently by those opposing our government institutions. In 1995, in the largest single act of domestic terrorism in U.S. history, an anti-government violent extremist detonated a bomb at the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, killing 168 people including 19 children- and injuring hundreds of others…And just months ago, on January 6, 2021, Americans witnessed an unprecedented attack against a core institution of our democracy: the U.S. Congress.

January 6 and the OKC bombing would be the same thing if, instead of bombing the Alfred P. Murrah building, Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols ran around in buffalo hats breaking windows and then one died from a heart attack while the other was shot by a cop. Since that wasn’t the case, these two events are not similar.

The White House then recommended steps they’d like to take to make sure another January 6 never happened again:

While those who break the law in furtherance of domestic terrorism must face investigation and prosecution for their crimes , it is equally important that the Federal Government engage in efforts to prevent individuals from being drawn into the grip of domestic terrorism in the first instance. That means reducing both supply and demand of recruitment materials by limiting widespread availability online and bolstering resilience to it by those who nonetheless encounter it, among other measures. It also means reducing access to assault weapons and high – capacity magazines and enforcing legal prohibitions that keep firearms out of dangerous hands.

So, online censorship and unconstitutional guns bans to combat a fictitious problem? Hilariously, the very next line in the plan reads:

Such prevention efforts must be pursued while safeguarding civil rights and civil liberties , including privacy protections , and while avoiding discrimination , bias, and stereotyping.

How do they intend to crap all over the 1st and 2nd Amendments while safeguarding civil liberties? Someone should tell them that the right of free speech and gun ownership are civil liberties, even if the ACLU doesn’t recognize them.

The line about avoiding discrimination and stereotyping means that Biden is only going after white people with his purge. They will not target Black Lives Matter, who has done billions of dollars in damage and destroyed cities from coast to coast, just white supremacist groups who number in the tens and have done nothing but offend easily offended liberals.

And since the white supremacist domestic terror threat is non-existent, this is really about purging the country of white conservatives who oppose Biden and the democratic party’s radical anti-American agenda. Think about it: They’ve complied a strategy to counter something that doesn’t exist, so that strategy has to be applied somewhere.