Monday Morning Breakfast For The Brain

Served up piping hot and just for you.

The State Convinced People It Was DANGEROUS for Them Not to be Watched

Via The Organic Prepper

Now Many Believe Surveillance Tech Is “for our own good”

Yet another consequence of 2020 was the growth of public surveillance (aka Big Brother state) disguised under the umbrella of COVID. When you can convince a populace it is dangerous for them to be unobserved, you create the mindset that public surveillance is for the good of all. 

Big Brother is bigger than ever

I work within the security industry.

One newer piece of technology that we can now install is AI fever monitoring cameras. Many buildings throughout the US now have a camera with thermal capabilities monitoring your every move when you walk in.

Should you be deemed somebody with a temperature outside of the preset bounds, the system will use facial recognition to lock onto you. As you travel throughout the facility, security staff/management is notified. 

How is this any different from giving a polygraph to every person without their knowledge or consent? 

Is this information the world at large needs to know?

Must you tell every business owner from here on all your recent health history to be admitted into the building? In the future, do I have to reveal every medical procedure I’ve had? Do I also have to report my sexual history, what foods I eat, and other private information before being allowed inside?

Consider the invasions of privacy that come from the utilization of thermal technology. The front desk staff now knows who has a problem with armpit sweat, how hot your crotch is, and whose butt is sweating.

Do HIPPA requirements apply here at all?

What happens if it’s discovered that heart rate is linked with an infectious disease? Will we then incorporate heart rate monitors throughout our facility? I hope you don’t get nervous speaking to that person you find attractive. What if an employee who doesn’t like you works the cameras? Isn’t that a violation of privacy?

What if it’s determined that abnormal sweating patterns are associated with an infectious disease? In this case, let’s say that it’s a sweaty butt. Are thermal cameras going to monitor everybody’s backsides in such an event?

Do you see how this can quickly grow into a terrifying experience?

Privacy is foundational to freedom

The Founding Fathers of America fully understood the importance of privacy when it came to freedom. It’s for this reason that the Fourth Amendment was written.

“The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated…”

Is it not a violation of the Fourth Amendment for someone to use a camera to collect your biometrics without your consent? Are you secure in your person and effects in such a case? Are we now subject to rights violations each time we enter a grocery store, doctor’s office, or gas station? Does modern American society demand that our rights be violated so that we can live within that society?

Surveillance of US citizens and sensitive data collection reached epic proportions

COVID tech used to monitor the American people during the past year and a half collected more sensitive data than ever before.

Want proof?

  • Alabama State University purchased thermal imaging and facial recognition-equipped drones to enforce social distancing and masking in public. 
  • Some US school districts required their students and staff to wear a Bluetooth armband to monitor their temperature.

The end result of these types of policies is to have authorities dictating your oxygen intake and whether or not you’re allowed to hug your friends. 

Want more proof?

Online classrooms – intended to protect students against COVID – were turned into the ever-present TV cameras from 1984.

  • Twelve-year-old Isaiah Elliot of Colorado flashed a toy gun across his screen during one of his lectures and was then suspended. Police were then sent to his house for a welfare check.
  • Things were no different in Maryland. An 11-year-old boy had the police called on him by his teacher. The teacher saw a BB gun hanging on his bedroom wall during a Google Meet class.

When government employees get to decide which toys your children play with and what they decorate their bedrooms with, you have a public surveillance problem. 

The end result of policies such as these is authorities demanding to violate your right to health privacy, then threatening your child with potential kidnapping (via Social Services) if you refuse to send your child to school. 

Is the abolition of cash for your health or control?

The push for the abolition of cash was heavy throughout 2020. For example, the CNN article “Dirty money: the case against using cash during the coronavirus outbreak.” wrote: 

The ongoing spread of coronavirus is forcing institutions around the world to rethink one particularly germy surface that most consumers touch every day: cash.

What’s the end result of this movement? A cashless society, and therefore, the monitoring and controlling of every purchase you make. 

And now we have the vaccine passport

Now Americans must “state your name and race” before using certain transportation services, entering certain buildings, or going to certain churches. And it’s only going to continue to grow in use.

What does a vaccine passport do? First, it gives people the ability to know everywhere you’ve ever been. And, should it become digitally uploaded, to see where you are right now. Also, it lets them know whether or not you’re willing to comply with tyranny or not. Those who don’t – those who haven’t been placed on the list – are easier to find.

And when you’re easier to find – well, you end up in a situation very akin to Soviet Russia, do you not?

“These are the people who have not pledged loyalty to Stalin! Do with this list as you will!”

Public health is the perfect guise for tyranny

It’s based on fear, and fear is a potent motivator. If you can get most people to seek security rather than freedom, slavery is not far behind. MORE.

Against Critical Race Indoctrination

By Donald J. Trump

A plan to get divisive and radical theories out of our schools.

s a candidate, Joe Biden’s number one promise was to “unite” America. Yet in his first months as president, his number one priority has been to divide our country by race and gender at every turn.

There is no clearer example than the Biden Administration’s new effort aimed at indoctrinating America’s schoolchildren with some of the most toxic and anti-American theories ever conceived. It is vital for Americans to understand what this initiative would do, what drives it, and, most importantly, how we can stop it.

For decades, the America-blaming Left has been relentlessly pushing a vision of America that casts our history, culture, traditions, and founding documents in the most negative possible light. Yet in recent years, this deeply unnatural effort has progressed from telling children that their history is evil to telling Americans that they are evil.

In classrooms across the nation, students are being subjected to a new curriculum designed to brainwash them with the ridiculous left-wing dogma known as “critical race theory.” The key fact about this twisted doctrine is that it is completely antithetical to everything that normal Americans of any color would wish to teach their children.

Instead of helping young people discover that America is the greatest, most tolerant, and most generous nation in history, it teaches them that America is systemically evil and that the hearts of our people are full of hatred and malice. Far from advancing the beautiful dream of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.—that our children should “not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character”—the Left’s vile new theory preaches that judging people by the color of their skin is actually a good idea.

Teaching even one child these divisive messages would verge on psychological abuse. Indoctrinating generations of children with these extreme ideas is not just immoral—it is a program for national suicide. Yet that is exactly what the Biden Administration endorsed recently in a rule published in the Federal Register aimed at inflicting a critical race theory-inspired curriculum on American schoolchildren.

The rule explicitly cites the New York Times’ discredited “1619 Project” as a motivation. The Times has described the goal of its endeavor as the “re-education” of the American people, and the project even includes a lesson plan that encourages students to practice “erasing” parts of the Declaration of Independence. The Biden rule also directly cites a left-wing activist and leading proponent of critical race theory whose book states, “The only remedy to past discrimination is present discrimination. The only remedy to present discrimination is future discrimination.”

This is what the Biden Administration wants to teach America’s children.

The Department of Education rule stems from an executive order Biden signed on his first day in office. Biden’s order abolished the President’s Advisory 1776 Commission I established to honor America’s founding principles, and reversed an executive action I took to stop these depraved theories from being imposed upon federal employees in workforce training sessions.

Thankfully, most Americans oppose this insanity. The Left has only gotten away with it until this point because not enough parents have been paying attention and speaking up. But that is quickly changing. From Loudoun County, Virginia, to Cupertino, California, parents are beginning to make their voices heard against the left-wing cultural revolution. What they need now is a plan to actually stop it.

Here are the reforms that every concerned parent in America should be demanding. MORE.

REVEALED: Google & USAID Funded Wuhan Collaborator Peter Daszak’s Virus Experiments For Over A Decade

Via The National Pulse

Google funded research conducted by Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance – a controversial group which has openly collaborated with the Wuhan Institute of Virology on “killer” bat coronavirus research – for over a decade, The National Pulse can today reveal.

The unearthed financial ties between EcoHealth Alliance and Google follow months of big tech censorship of stories and individuals in support of the COVID-19 “lab leak” theory.

The Google-backed EcoHealth Alliance played a critical role in the cover-up of COVID-19’s origins through its president, Peter Daszak.

Daszak served on the wildly compromised World Health Organization’s (WHO) COVID-19 investigation team. He championed the efforts to “debunk” the lab origin theory of the virus, despite mounting support for the claim first made by experts on Steve Bannon’s War Room: Pandemic podcast in early January 2020.

Left-wing websites masquerading as “fact checkers” still call the lab theory “false,” despite the shift in tone from the Biden regime, leading world scientists, and intelligence officials.

EcoHealth Alliance also funneled hundreds of thousands of U.S. taxpayer dollars from Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) to its research partner, the Wuhan Institute of Virology, to conduct studies on “killer” bat coronaviruses.

And, the charity arm of the tech behemoth, has also been funding studies carried out by EcoHealth alliance researchers including Peter Daszak since at least 2010.

The decade-plus relationship is evident in a 2010 study on bat flaviviruses, which lists Daszak and EcoHealth Alliance Vice President Jonathan Epstein as authors, that thanks for funding. A 2014 study on henipavirus spillover, which was authored by Daszak, similarly declares it was partly “supported by” MORE.

Rental Nation: Depriving Americans of Home Ownership Could Be a Good Thing, Economist Says

Via Breitbart

The American dream of home ownership should be replaced by corporate investors snapping up houses and turning them into rentals, one economist is proposing.

Karl W. Smith, an adjunct scholar with the Tax Foundation and Bloomberg columnist, believes that scenario could be positive, even if he doesn’t address the fact home ownership is the main way for the middle class to build wealth.

Smith argues “a nation of renters is not something to fear. In fact, it’s the opposite.”

Smith lays out his argument, including citing the troubling statistic that the 64.3 percent of Americans who owned home in 2016 is the lowest percentage since the U.S. Census Bureau starting keeping track of that data in 1984.

And Smith gave a nod to former President Donald Trump, saying homeownership rebounded during his tenure to 66 percent, “but that trend is likely to be arrested by a housing market that is desperately short on supply and seeing month-over-month price increases greater than they were in the frenzied market of 2006.”

Smith argues that single family homes have historically been an “extremely illiquid asset.”

And, Smith says, the housing landscape has changed:

Houses have typically traded with very little liquidity premium. That meant a relatively low purchase price compared to what it would cost to rent — the equivalent of the dividend from housing investment — and stable prices over time. These two factors made houses a good investment for moderate-income families who often lacked the cash and the risk tolerance for market investments. As investments went, single-family homes were cheap and slowly grew in value in both good times and bad.

In the early 21st century, automated appraisals and mortgage underwriting began to change that. Combined with the repackaging of subprime loans into presumably safer CDOs, they created a far more liquid market for housing. In response, housing prices soared — and became more sensitive to the vagaries of the markets. When investors pulled out of CDOs, buyer financing dried up and the whole housing market crashed.

It may have seemed at the time like a failed experiment. But financialization had changed the housing market forever. Houses are now more prone to be priced high relative to rents, and to see their prices fluctuate with the market. The very features that made home buying an affordable and stable investment are coming to an end.

Smith also blames the change on people who chose to live in single-family home neighborhoods where their families have privacy and security and oppose forced diversity accomplished by installing multi-family units — “existing homeowners are reluctant to agree to development with unknowable effects on the value of their most precious investments. The result is less development — and sky-high rents for any residents not lucky enough to own their own home.”

Smith, however, clearly believes in revising the meaning of the American dream. He thinks corporate investors will see the financial benefits of buying up homes and renting them. And Americans could be more mobile if not tied down with a mortgage. MORE.

Newsflash, America: Almost everybody eats bugs but us

Via NBC News

It may have surprised you to read about how the large Brood X cicadas, emerging after 17 years underground, make for a delicious meal. But in fact, insects are a staple of diets around the world, and we’re just catching up.

Cicadas for dinner? It’s about time!

Other cultures have known how enjoyable insects are for millennia. Today, 2,000 species are eaten by more than 2 billion people. In every corner of the world, people are dining on bugs like sakondry, mopane, grasshoppers and, of course, cicadas. Many cultures even consider them a delicacy — because they are.

We’re just now starting to truly understand the positive impact that deliciousness can have on the planet, because many insects are both more nutritious (rich in digestible proteins, key amino-acids and micronutrients) and far better for the environment than livestock, which can require a lot of land, water and feed.

And most of the edible bugs you’ll encounter actually taste really good. I promise. Cicadas have a nutty, pork-like flavor — if you prepare them a certain way, they can even resemble a giant meaty sunflower seed. Sakondry are known as “the bacon bug” because they actually do taste like bacon. Chapulines (grasshoppers) have the flavor of a sweet, smoky tender jerky with a crispy chicken skin exterior. Green ants have a zesty quality.

There’s also none of that squishy stuff you might associate with eating an insect. Their texture is like other meats when cooked, and their legs and wings crisp up in the heat like chicken skin. It’s just meat; an often-overlooked meat that’s one of the keys to creating a sustainable food system. So, if they’re good for the environment, good for you, and taste great, why haven’t they caught on in America until now? MORE.

Be sure to stop by at Def-Con News to get our morning started off right.