Colorado Mayor Bans Pledge Of Allegiance At Board Meetings — Then Gets Triggered After Members Recite It Anyway, Threatens To Remove Them (VIDEO)

Colorado Mayor Shane Fuhrman banned the Pledge of Allegiance at Board Meetings. So members recite it anyway.

Then the mayor loses it and threatens to remove them from the meeting!

Fuhrman told the board members and attendees, “Due to direct and indirect threats, inappropriate comments in and out of public meetings, and the general divisiveness this is creating in our community, we will not be doing the Pledge of Allegiance during town of Silverton board of trustee meetings.”

The mayor did not provide any specific information about the alleged threats and comments. That was just likely his excuse to be an authoritarian.

During the meeting several attendees and board members stood and recited The Pledge of Allegiance. That’s when the mayor became triggered and threatened to remove them all from the city meeting.


Click here for an extended version of the video with the mayor threatening the attendees after they recite The Pledge of Allegiance!

Using bullshit rationale for declining to follow standard protocol, is a typical democrat practice. Leftists are determined to destroy a good thing simply for the sake of eliminating historical Americanisms and institutionalizing progressive change.

This is proof that laws, regulations, guidelines, and protocol will not preclude extremist attacks on every aspect of our culture. This asshat is beyond being a routine ignorant democrat. He’s either some special kind of stupid or simply subversive in nature.