Arizona Audit Daily Update: Paper Analysis Is Finishing Up – So What’s Next!?

The Arizona Audit continues on Thursday and the long-awaited results will soon be released. The paper analysis phase is still set to be completed by Saturday. This from

The left is in total meltdown, nearly admitting guilt in an attempt to discredit the audit and hide the results.


Click HERE to observe interview with Katie Hobbs, AZ Sec of State.


One America News Network’s Christina Bobb provided another amazing real news report today on the status of the forensic report and potential litigation.

Leftwing hacks say that Christina’s reporting is “dangerous”. This is true, but only for them and people who fear the truth.


Christina reported that the Arizona Senate has kept their stance that this audit is meant to secure future elections and ensure that one legal vote equals one point.


If the audit reveals that the election, certified by the RINO Governor Ducey and radical Soros Secretary of State Katie Hobbs, was fraudulent, there will be severe consequences.

The audit team is still lacking the subpoenaed routers, logs, and passwords, so litigation is expected in order to obtain that information. They will need this information to entirely complete the full forensic audit. Legislative subpoenas for this data were issued on January 13, 2021.

We reported that those with admin passwords have the power to delete or alter system data. Are they changing information while they still have time?

The forensic report will come out in about 30 days or more. The Senate will decide what action must be taken based on the forensic analysis. Attorney General Mark Brnovich will need to decide if a criminal investigation is necessary.

Mark Brnovich has stood up for the audit in the past when DOJ thugs tried to intimidate the Arizona Senate. This shows that he will take the necessary action upon the final report’s release.

For those of us who have been holding our breath, the time has nearly arrived to take a deep gulp of air. Will this be the significant measure that moves us forward in rectifying what we all know was a stolen election all up and down the ballot? Or will we be faced with more ‘hurry up and wait’ disappointment?