Biden Says All Latinos Are Illegal And Black WWII Heroes Had Syphilis

This would be a racial outrage of Trumpian proportions if a Republican said it, but lucky for Crazy Joe, he’s a democrat and has liberal immunity. The illegitimate president was trying to encourage people to get the COVID-19 vaccine by confusing black WWII heroes with a venereal disease experiment and for good measure added that all Latinos in this country are illegal aliens.

Joe Biden’s goal of vaccinating 70% of the adult population by the 4th of July ain’t going to happen. The liberal media told us it was because those damn white racist Trump MAGA-types were anti-vaxxers, but it turns out it’s actually blacks and Hispanics who are reluctant to get the jab, making Joe’s failure somewhat less racist.

Biden was in North Carolina putting his racial outreach skills on display:

“There’s a reason why it’s been harder to get African Americans, initially, to get vaccinated because they’re used to being experimented on. The Tuskegee Airmen and others. People have memories. People have long memories,” said Biden.

Joe Biden clearly doesn’t.

The Tuskegee Airmen were a decorated all-black bomber squadron in WWII. The Tuskegee Syphilis Study was an ethically abusive experiment in which black people were given syphilis and left to suffer from the venereal disease so the longterm effects could be documented. It would be super-racist of Trump had confused the two.

Biden wasn’t quite done with his liberal media and democratic party-approved racism:

“It’s awful hard, as well, to get Latinx vaccinated as well. Why? They’re worried they’ll be vaccinated and deported,” Biden said.

If, as Biden contends, all Latinx won’t get vaccinated because they are worried that they will be deported, that means Joe thinks all Hispanics are illegal aliens. Again, it would be racist as hell if Trump said it.

And, yes, he actually called them “Latinx” indicating he also believe all Hispanics are transgendered.

On top of being racist, Biden’s line about Latinix fears is factually-challenged. Did he forget that he’s occupying the White House? No illegal alien in this country is the least bit worried about being deported thanks to Joe’s shitty immigration policies. Joe has stopped all deportations and is actually inviting 3rd world scumbags to enter.

Joe clearly demonstrated that his minds is gone, but just in case you aren’t sure, he gave another press conference on Thursday to leave no doubt:

WT actual F? Biden leaning in and whispering to reporters is the most unsettling thing this side of his penchant for hair-sniffing. His brain is mush and he’s creepy AF, and that don’t stand for “Air Force.”

Now we know why his handlers want to limit his interactions with the press and public. When he’s off his meds, he goes off-script and the result is, well…this. The real Joe Biden is a creepy racist with a shocking level of cognitive decline.