‘Defund The Police’ Democrats Increase Their Own Police Protection

Democrats control the House of Representatives and generally support the “defund the police” movement ruining liberal cities across the country. In related news, the Capitol Police will be opening field offices outside of D.C. to “better protect” members of Congress. Coincidentally, the House of Representatives is also in control of the Capitol Police. OK, maybe that’s not a coincidence but rather an example of raging hypocrisy.

USA Today reports:

Six months after the deadly attack on the U.S. Capitol, the United States Capitol Police announced it will open regional field offices in California and Florida to better protect members of Congress.

“The USCP has enhanced our staffing within our Dignitary Protection Division as well as coordinated for enhanced security for Members of Congress outside of the National Capitol Region. The Department is also in the process of opening Regional Field Offices in California and Florida with additional regions in the near future to investigate threats to Members of Congress,” USCP said in a statement.

Then there’s this really funny thing:

The statement did not specify why those states were identified for extra support. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi represents a district in California.

Seems like USA Today answered its own question, doesn’t it?

So the Capitol Police are opening field offices to investigate threats against members of Congress? Isn’t the the FBI’s job? And the U.S. Marshals, and the Secret Service, and thousands of state and local law enforcement agencies?

Given the USCP’s track record with protecting the Capitol, this redundant move is extra-pointless. This is as dumb as putting Kamala Harris in charge of the border crisis. Oh wait, that’s a thing too.

Also, what if a threat against a member of Congress comes from somewhere other than California or Florida? If this expansion of the Capitol Police were a bullet proof vest, there would be enough kevlar to barely cover one of Nancy Pelosi’s wrinkly nipples.

And then there is the jurisdictional issue. Does the Capitol police have any authority outside of the Capitol complex? Or Washington D.C.? The NYPD can’t open a field office in Little Rock, Arkansas because they don’t have any jurisdiction there. Plus, it would be incredibly stupid like the USCP opening field offices in California and Florida.

And finally, the House democrats, who are in charge of the Capitol Police, support defunding the police. A majority of the caucus, including AOC and her Jihad Squad, think that cops are racist and should be eliminated. And yet, here they are expanding police protection for themselves.

Like all things democrats bitch about, it’s for the little people, not them. They want to defund the police in cities, plunging them into unlivable crime-ridden hellholes, but need extra protection for themselves. One thing you can always count on is democrats being completely full of shit.

My question is: where’s the money coming from? I’m assuming that the USCP has a set budget every year and clearly expanding field offices will exceed that budget. I get that we, the American taxpayers, are paying for this, but where did Pelosi find the extra money to finance this ridiculous endeavor? Maybe she is valiantly sacrificing her Botox budget, but I doubt it.