Rashida Tlaib: Defund CBP, ICE, DHS For Terrorizing Immigrants

The “Defund the Police” movement relies on the silly notion that enforcing the law is a form of terrorism. Jihad Squad member Rashida Tlaib is demanding that CBP, ICE, and the DHS all be defunded because they “terrorize” illegal immigrants. An easier fix would be for people to obey our immigration laws and then they’d have nothing to worry about, but democrats don’t like the easy way nor do they actually fix things.

Fox News reports that Tlaib did an interview with Just Futures Law which was posted on YouTube Wednesday. On Thursday, that video is no longer available:

The reason why this video has been locked down is quite evident:

Tlaib was asked about the push by the Biden administration to increase money spent on border technology for Customs and Border Protection (CBP). The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) border request includes $665 million in investments toward modernizing land ports of entry and $47 million to invest in detection capabilities in addition to investments in border surveillance technology.

But activists have expressed concern that such funding, along with other methods like facial recognition and DNA testing, are used to ultimately prevent migrants from entering the U.S. Tlaib was asked how they could “turn the tide” at the congressional level on the funding for such methods.

“Look, the simple answer to that question is we must eliminate funding for CBP, ICE and their parent organization, DHS. Time after time we have seen it as advocates on the ground, as human services agencies on the ground continue to see over and over again, that these agencies are inept to humanely guiding migrants through our immigration system and instead they further continue to terrorize migrant communities located within our communities,” said Tlaib.

The purpose of these agencies is not to guide migrants through our immigration system, it’s to enforce our immigration laws. If illegal aliens are terrorized by the prospect of being caught and deported, that means the CBP, ICE, and DHS are doing their jobs.

If you’re driving around in a stolen car with a feeling of terror that the cops might arrest you and hold you accountable for a crime you’ve committed, that’s on you, not the cops.

“This approach is something that many, especially the new members of Congress, are coming with full force and pushing back against this idea. They rename this kind of militarization or targeting in a very inhumane way of our immigrant neighbors, but when it comes down to it it is the same thing – which is targeting communities of color in a way that to me very much violates human rights and dignity for so many of our communities,” Tlaib said.

It’s not skin color that our immigration enforcement agencies are targeting, it’s immigration status. Just because there isn’t a wave of white Europeans sneaking into our country doesn’t make it racist to apprehend the people who are entering illegally.

“This is a distraction to what is really needed, which is full comprehensive immigration reform policies in our country. We are far from even getting to that conversation because people are distracted with these for-profit, corporate greed approaches that are coming to experiment on our immigrants and our border. And I say ‘enough,’” said Tlaib.

It is our border, but they ain’t our immigrants. Our immigrants are people who come here legally. The ones who come her illegally are somebody else’s immigrants and that’s why we have CBP, ICE, and DHS. Getting rid of these agencies, as Tlaib is demanding, would mean the end of the United States of America, as we’d be overrun with mooching criminal third-world scumbags. Then again, that’s probably what she’s after.