Man Busted For Illegally Voting For Democrats

Liberals always claim that voter fraud doesn’t exist and when evidence of voter fraud is presented they counter with, “that one doesn’t count.” The reason they live in a state of denial is because voter fraud only benefits their team. A man in Texas was arrested for illegally voting and unshockingly he illegally voted for democrats.

Business Insider reports:

A Texas man who made national headlines after standing in line for six hours to cast a ballot during the Democratic primary elections in March 2020 has been charged with illegally voting that day.

Hervis Rogers, 62, drew widespread praise on social media during the Super Tuesday primary last year, after telling news outlets he “wasn’t going to let anything stop [him]” from voting.

Nothing, including the law, apparently. See, Rogers is a convicted felon and can’t vote but he did anyways:

Harris County court documents showed that Rogers was ineligible to vote when he stood in line at Texas Southern University on March 3, 2020. He had also been ineligible when he cast his ballot during the 2018 midterm elections, a grand jury indictment said.

Rogers was convicted in 1995 of burglary and sentenced to 25 years in prison. Court records showed he was released in 2004 and placed on parole that was set to end in June 2020, just months after he cast his Super Tuesday ballot.

In Texas, people who have been convicted of felonies may vote only after their sentence and parole terms have been completed.

Hey, look at that. Convicted felons can vote in Texas after they have successfully paid for their crimes, unlike liberal states California and New York where a felony conviction is a lifetime ban on voting. I wonder why the liberal media never accuses NY and Cali of voter suppression.

The ACLU has stepped up to defend Rogers because they feel like illegally voting is a basic civil right. I’m sure that position would change if it was someone illegally voting for Republicans, but Rogers was voting democrat so he fits the ACLU’s definition of a victim of systemic abuse.

The ACLU’s planned defense of Rogers’ illegal voting activities is truly pathetic:

The American Civil Liberties Union of Texas announced Friday it was representing Rogers and released a statement condemning voting laws that criminalize people for “innocent mistakes.”

One of the ACLU attorneys representing Rogers [said] his client had misunderstood the state’s voting laws — he believed it was fine for him to vote during the primary.

If that were remotely true, why did Rogers also vote in the 2018 midterm elections? If he believed he could vote in primary, but not general, elections he wouldn’t have voted in 2018 but he did. Also, if he believed he could vote in any election, why did he not cast a ballot in any election from his 2004 release from prison to the 2018 midterms?

Ignorance of the law is no excuse and it’s pretty clear that Rogers knew damn well he was ineligible to vote. When the ACLU says Rogers made an innocent mistake what the really mean is that he didn’t think he’d get caught.

Rogers faces up to 40 years in prison if convicted, which the ACLU cries is an excessive punishment. I say if people understand the severity of illegal voting, they’d be less likely to do it.

Once again, there is a clear-cut case of voter fraud with liberals spinning it as an honest mistake. There’s nothing honest about illegal voting or the liberal media’s lies to cover it up. If voter fraud benefited Republicans they way democrats cash in on it, suddenly illegal voting would be a crisis.